Lookinglass Screening at NYCC

If you’re attending New York Comic Con (NYCC) this year, heads up! There will be an advance screening of Tim’s new Fox series, Lookinglass, as well as a Q&A session with star Rob Kazinsky and executive producers Rand Ravich and Howard Gordon, on Sunday, October 11.

The screening starts at 11 am in room 1A06 and will be followed by the Q&A – here’s a link with more info.

The NYCC takes place at the Javits Center, 655 W 34th St., in Manhattan. Tickets are sold out, but I wanted to post the info anyway for anyone who was already attending. If you’re going to see the screening, please let us know! ๐Ÿ™‚


Best Man Wins awarded, and yet more dates!

Best Man Wins won both Best in Show and the Audience Award At the Movies At The Mill, Easton, Film Festival. Congratulations to all the team for a well deserved win!

And here is the list of all known upcoming showings so far. Check website links for schedule.

London, UK: Raindance Film Festival. Friday Oct. 2nd, at 6:20 pm.

Sapporo, Japan: 10th Sapporo Short Film Festival from October 7th to October. 12th.

Wichita, KA: Tallgrass Film Festival. Best Man Wins, showing before Hitchcock/Truffaut, on October 16th and October 18th.

Fairfield County, CT: Short Cuts festival. Wednesday October 21st.

Savannah, GA: Savannah Film Festival, from October 24th to 31st.

Wolfville, , : Devour! The Film Food Festival, on Sunday, November 8th.

Seoul, Korea: Asiana International Short Film Festival, from November 5th to 10th.

Napa, CA: Napa Film Festival, from November 11th to 15th.

Fairhope, AL: Fairhope Film Festival, from November 12th to 15th.



Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-ray Promo

Wolfe Video has released a promo video for the Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-ray, including clips of new interviews with Tim and some of his castmates!

timbigedenblurayThis new HD version of the award-winning film will be released on Blu-ray on October 13, as well as being available on-demand from iTunes, Vimeo On Demand, and WolfeOnDemand.com!

Here’s the promo video – H/T to /bent. Check out J.D. Borden’s post about the Blu-ray release for more info!

The Blu-ray is still available for pre-order on Amazon.com as well!

Gallery updates

A few updates to the gallery.

I’ve finally uploaded the screencaptures from the second episode of Dinner At Tiffani’s: All in the Family. Be careful, high content of adorableness.

In addition, were added DVD quality screencaptures from Tim’s guest starring appearance in Without a Trace.

Also, courtesy of Kanarek, we’ve also added the screencaptures from the entire second season of Carnivale. Warning: hot content there. Also, some nudity and violence. Proceed with caution.

Kanarek has also provided screencaptures for Tim’s famous two episodes on Seinfeld.

As well, as Tim’s short appearance of Friends.


The Frankenstein Code is now Lookinglass

Tim’s new Fox series has undergone another name change. The show, formerly known by the working titles Frankenstein and The Frankenstein Code, is now called Lookinglass!

Due to the name change, the show also has new Twitter and Instagram accounts. You can find them at @LookinglassFOX on Twitter, @LookinglassFOX on Instagram, and LookinglassFOX on Facebook.


Definitely “looking” forward to seeing what they have in store for us! ๐Ÿ™‚

Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-Ray

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movie, Big Eden, Wolfe Video is releasing the film on Blu-ray! The anniversary edition, which will be released on October 13, includes a newly-remastered version of the movie, as well as a “Remembering Big Eden” featurette, with interviews with Tim and some of his castmates.

The 15th Anniversary Blu-ray is currently available for pre-order on Amazon.com at this link.

If you haven’t yet seen Big Eden, it’s a wonderful movie – and of course, a must-watch for any Tim fan! It’s a beautiful love story – though not the one you might originally think – and was well ahead of its time in its featuring of and handling of LGBT characters and themes.

For more info about the movie and the anniversary Blu-ray, check out this article on blu-ray.com.

Big Eden

Best Man Wins goes international!

Good news to all Tim’s international fans, Best Man Wins is going international.

Montreal, Canada: The film will show at the Montreal Film Festival on September 1st, and September 7th, 2015

London, UK: The film will have its European premiere at the London Raindance Film Festival, which takes place from September 23rd to October 4th 2015. Screening will be Friday Oct. 2nd, at 6:20 pm.

Sapporo, Japan: Then the Asian premiere will take place at the 10th Sapporo Short Film Festival, which will be held from October 7th to October. 12th. (Exact screening dates to be announced.)

Seattle, USA: Finally, the film will be back to Seattle as part of the One Reel Film Festival, showing on September 5th, 6th, and 7th, at 7:30 pm.

Stay tuned for more to come!

CANCELLED – Tim to Appear at Stories on Stage in Denver

** Due to unforseen scheduling conflicts, Tim’s appearance at this event has been cancelled. **

Attention Denver area fans – Tim will be appearing at a Stories on Stage reading in Denver in September! He’ll be reading the short story, “God Bless America” by Steve Almond, at the event, which takes place at the Su Teatro Cultural and Performing Arts Center on Saturday, September 19 at 1:30 pm and again at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are $28 for adults and $15 for students and can be purchased at this link, or by calling 303-494-0523. More info about the event can be found here.


Happy 16th Birthday, Jamis!

Happy, happy birthday to Jamis, who turns “sweet sixteen” today! For those of you outside of the U.S., this is a big birthday, as 16 is the legal driving age in most states! Here’s hoping Jamis is having an awesome birthday, full of lots of great things and surrounded by loved ones! <3

I posted a birthday collage of photos of Jamis at various ages on the Team DeKay instagram account this morning and was thrilled to get comments from both Jamis and Tim!

Then the lovely Elisa took it a step further and reposted my collage to her own account!

Happy Birthday, Jamis! And many thanks to the entire DeKay family for their continued support of the site. We love and appreciate all of you!

The Bizarro Jerry is one of Paste’s 10 Best Seinfeld Episodes

Chris Morgan of Paste Magazine has ranked one of Tim’s Seinfeld episodes, “The Bizarro Jerry,” third on his list of the show’s ten best episodes!

3. The Bizarro Jerry

Bizarro Jerry

This episode is silly in many ways. After all, Elaine finds herself in a bizarro world with its own Jerry, George, Kramer and Newman. Kramer starts working a job for no reason. Jerry dates Man Hands. George finds himself going to secret model parties. Yet, it all works. Kramerโ€™s storyline is hilarious. The bizarro thing is out there, yes, but if you are willing to accept it, itโ€™s hilarious and delightfully weird. The show had earned this chance through years of shrewd character development, and they made the most of the opportunity.

For the full list of the 10 best Seinfeld episodes, check out the article here.

(Thanks to Kevin McClave for the heads-up!)