Happy 13th Birthday, Danna!

Tim and Elisa now officially have two teenagers – happy 13th birthday to the lovely Danna DeKay!

Danna is beautiful inside and out, a gracious young lady, a volleyball star, an awesome daughter/sister/person, and much more! Here’s hoping the upcoming year brings her all kinds of happiness and good things!

I decided to do collages on Instagram for “milestone” birthdays (Jamis got one this year as well for his 16th), so here’s my collage for Danna – 13 pics for 13 years, with a mix of current pics, family members, and younger photos.

Happy Birthday, Danna!

Update: Elisa reposted the collage on her IG account with some very sweet remarks! We’re so blessed to have the support of the whole DeKay family here at Team DeKay! 😀

For some reason, it’s not letting me embed Elisa’s post like I did with the one above, but you can check it out —> here!

5 Comments on “Happy 13th Birthday, Danna!”

    1. Thanks! I had a different version at first, before realizing that one of the collage templates had 13 pics. So touched that Elisa reposted this one, too. She’s so sweet! I can see why the kids are so gracious, with parents like theirs. <3

      1. Yes! That is so awesome. 🙂
        And love that Danna thanked all the accounts that posted something for her birthday. Those kids are so awesome.

  1. I saw your IG post and thought it perfect! Lovely collage. Danna is adorable, and she looks so much like both her parents. I also saw the sweet comment from her grandmother.

    Hope Danna had a wonderful 13th birthday, and I hope her parents enjoyed the day too. Tomorrow she’ll be 23. Believe me. The teen years fly, and before we parents know it, our kids are adults.

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