White Collar Revival Confirmed

Thanks to Variety, we finally have confirmation of what many of us have suspected for awhile (some of whom have been sitting on the news patiently) – there will be a White Collar revival!

Tim, Matt, Tiffani, and Jeff took part in a panel at the Variety TV FYC Fest today to celebrate the 15th anniversary of White Collar, and while there, they officially announced the revival (though erroneously called it a “reboot”). Check it out:

More information is available in the article about the panel on Variety‘s website.

So what do you think?!

Those of you who’ve known me for awhile know my feelings about a revival, but I’m trying to be excited – especially at the prospect of seeing Tim getting so much screen time and bringing back Peter Burke! I’ll reserve judgment for now, but I trust Tim when he says it’ll be good. (I trust three of the people in this video to make sure things are handled in a way that does justice to the original without falling back into old habits…)

I’m hoping to have a gallery up and running here soon (our old one was lost to a site/data transfer), but in the meantime, here’s the collage I posted on Instagram featuring photos from the arrivals and the panel!

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