Story Performance for WordTheatre

Great news for those in the SoCal area – Tim will be doing a story reading for WordTheatre at William Turner’s Gallery in Santa Monica on Saturday, January 28! The readings start at 7:00pm, although the event itself starts with drinks and book signings at 6pm and a Q&A with the authors at 6:30.

Tim will be performing “Ghost Stories” by Peter Orner, and there will also be a performance by Kate Burton of “Tiny Meaningless Things” by Marisa Silver.

Anyone who makes a donation of $100 will also get to have dinner with the authors and actors right after the performances!

Check out WordTheatre’s post about the event for more information and for a link to purchase tickets. If any of you are able to go, let us know how it was!

3 Comments on “Story Performance for WordTheatre”

  1. Oh man, this would be fantastic! I’m in San Diego, sooooooooooo close.
    But…. Just can’t up there this weekend.
    U Are Awesome, keep us posted and in the loop!
    Thank you so much for all you do with this site, TDK fans truly appreciate it…
    Cheers, Ronda

    1. Thanks so much, Ronda! We appreciate you, too! ❤️

      I’m on the other side of the country, so I definitely won’t be there, but we do have someone that should be attending. Sounds like a wonderful evening, especially for those who’ll get to have dinner with the authors and actors.

  2. This was an amazing event all the way around! The stories from Peter and Marisa were well written but very different in that Peter’s entailed a lot of humor while Marisa’s was a sadder tale. I got to speak with Peter for a few minutes after, and he was nice and engaging.

    I can’t rave enough about Amy and Tim’s performances and again both were very different. Amy was more subdued and her performance subtle, letting the story be the showcase in itself. Tim was more demonstrative but not in a distracting way, but the exact opposite. His genuine excitement and charismatic reading had a physicality to it that demanded full attention to the tale he spun!

    Afterwards my husband and I had the honor of meeting Tim and his wife, Lisa. Both were friendly and charming and you can tell they are just really good people.

    Now I can’t wait for WORDTheatre to release the recording so I can watch both performances again!

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