Law & Order 22×17 Reaction Post

Here’s the reaction post for Tim’s episode of Law & Order – editing this now that I’ve had a chance to watch. What a great role! It was wonderful to see Tim get so much screen time in this one. I was hoping we’d see quite a bit of him since he was the top-billed guest star, and the episode didn’t disappoint!

So what did you think? Let us know in the comments, as usual!

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)

3 Comments on “Law & Order 22×17 Reaction Post”

  1. It was really wonderful to see Tim in a meaningful role again, even if his character was the bad guy.

    1. Agreed! I was hoping we’d see him quite a bit since he was the top-billed guest star, and I wasn’t disappointed. I’ll admit that I’ve never really watched L&O (unless a celeb I like was guest-starring), so I didn’t know what to expect from the show in general, but some of the plot itself was pretty contrived. Especially with finding Tim’s character guilty so easily. I know it’s only an hour-long show, so there’s only so much they can show us, but still…that was pretty far-fetched.

      And from a more fannish standpoint, I loved all of the BAMF expressions we got to see, and they did put him in some nice suits! 😉

      1. L&O did try to pack too much in. It felt rushed and contrived for a clear conviction. His suits were nice, but his Italian shoes did him in! 🤣

        I wonder if Tim enjoys playing the bad guy? He pulls it off so well and the intimidation he displayed was perfect for that part. (It’s funny in context to meeting Tim who despite his size is the *least* intimidating person ever!)

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