Tim and Lisa on For Love and Chocolate Podcast

Tim and Lisa were recently interviewed for the first episode of the For Love and Chocolate Podcast, a show about romantic origin stories hosted by Tommy and Tara Gallop, “Mr. and Mrs. Truffles” from Beverly Hills teuscher – Chocolates of Switzerland. Check it out here:

Just as a heads-up, the first 11 minutes are an intro of sorts, as well as a Q&A advice segment (fair warning: some of the content there may be a bit dated/patriarchal for some), so feel free to skip ahead to the 11-minute mark.

The interview portion itself is sweet and so beautiful, going into how Tim and Lisa met in grad school, became close friends, and fell in love, as well as their Cooperstown engagement story, wedding, and beyond!

Let us know what you thought in the comments below! (I’ve also added this episode to my Tim DeKay Podcast playlist on Spotify, FYI.)

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