Fever Dreams Review – Berkshire On Stage

Mark Auerbach posted a great – and non-spoilerly – review of “Fever Dreams” for Berkshire On Stage. Check it out here! (Thanks to J for the heads-up!) Also included was one of Mike Marques’ stills of Tim with Doug Savant:

This still photo was also shown in the CT Live interview with Tim and Doug, along with the two below – just screenshots for now!

If you’ve gone to see “Fever Dreams,” let us know what you thought!

White Collar Revival Confirmed

Thanks to Variety, we finally have confirmation of what many of us have suspected for awhile (some of whom have been sitting on the news patiently) – there will be a White Collar revival!

Tim, Matt, Tiffani, and Jeff took part in a panel at the Variety TV FYC Fest today to celebrate the 15th anniversary of White Collar, and while there, they officially announced the revival (though erroneously called it a “reboot”). Check it out:

More information is available in the article about the panel on Variety‘s website.

So what do you think?!

Those of you who’ve known me for awhile know my feelings about a revival, but I’m trying to be excited – especially at the prospect of seeing Tim getting so much screen time and bringing back Peter Burke! I’ll reserve judgment for now, but I trust Tim when he says it’ll be good. (I trust three of the people in this video to make sure things are handled in a way that does justice to the original without falling back into old habits…)

I’m hoping to have a gallery up and running here soon (our old one was lost to a site/data transfer), but in the meantime, here’s the collage I posted on Instagram featuring photos from the arrivals and the panel!

Oppenheimer on DVD, Blu-ray, Digital

Great news – Oppenheimer is now available on DVD, Blu-ray, 4K UHD, and digital! The movie, in which Tim plays Senator Pastore, comes with 3+ hours of bonus content, including the 70-minute featurette, “The Story of Our Time: The Making of Oppenheimer.” The various disc versions also include a digital download code.

Check out this link to find out where to buy Oppenheimer in your preferred format!

Happy 60th Birthday, Tim!

Happy Birthday, Tim!!

It’s hard to believe an entire decade has passed since the first time Ara and I worked on a birthday project together for Tim, but here we are! Back in 2013, Ara put together a birthday book of greetings from around the world for Tim’s 50th and gave it to him in person in NYC just before his birthday, and it was a huge hit! That’s also the first time she and I worked together on something for Tim, and it wasn’t long after that we debuted this very website!

I’ve been posting lots of birthday collages and greetings for Tim on Instagram. Most of it is included on the feed itself, but anything in the stories was also added to a highlight collection so it can be viewed for longer than 24 hours. Check it out!

Tim, I hope you’ve had an amazing 60th birthday, and that you have a great year ahead and many, many more to come! Much love! ❤️

Here are a few of the collages I posted to IG:

Honor: In Their Words Event Photos

As promised on Instagram, here are the photos from the “Honor: In Their Words” event Tim did yesterday at the Hollywood Legion Theater for WordTheatre. (Click the link above or the photo below to see the rest!)

Tim at the Honor: In Their Words event on March 18, 2023. Close-up, smiling photo.

The event, which honored military veterans on the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, featured actors reading stories written by veterans. Tim read “Thanksgiving Special” from In Pharoah’s Army: Memories of the Lost War by Tobias Wolff, and he was joined by the likes of Sharon Stone, Bill Pullman, Kathy Baker, Griffin Dunne, and Jason George.

If you’re a paid member of WordTheatre, they should be posting a video of this event soon! In the meantime, check out the great photos in the gallery.

1923 1×03 Reaction Post

And there you have it. Tim’s final episode of 1923 was released on New Year’s Day. Maybe not the outcome you were hoping to see to start your 2023, but I still loved getting to see him back for something new and wonderfully cinematic, no matter how brief his time there! (Yes, I knew – and you did, too, if you’ve been paying attention! 👀)

So what did you think of this one? Are you enjoying the series so far – other than this particular outcome? Let us know in the comments!

Tim DeKay as Bob Strafford in season 1 episode 3 of 1923. Bob is dressed in period clothes and is riding a horse.
That expression does not bode well.

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)

Gallery Update: 1923 Premieres

Wow – this past weekend was full of all sorts of things! In addition to Saturday being Elisa DeKay’s birthday (and mine), Tim’s new show, 1923, had two premieres – one in Los Angeles on Friday and another in Las Vegas on Saturday! The star-studded cast appeared at both events, and we were treated to quite a few photos, as well as social media posts from the accounts for the show and the network (Paramount Plus).

I’ve uploaded the photos we’ve gotten so far to our gallery – check them out here (LA) and here (Vegas). These are just the pro photos; I’ll be adding social media photos, as well as any additional pro photos we can get, over the next few days, so keep checking back! (Photo credits will also be added soon.)

Tim at 1923 Los Angeles premiere on Friday, December 2, 2022.
Tim at 1923 Las Vegas premiere on Saturday, December 3, 2022.

Happy Birthday, Tim!

It’s that time again – sending out the happiest of birthday wishes to our forever favorite! The past year has been filled with so many great things, as well as adjusting to being an empty nester and getting back to that cross-country travel again. (Scroll down for more!)

Happy Birthday Tim graphic created by Aragarna
Birthday awesomness courtesy of Aragarna

We got to see Tim back on the small screen in FBI: Most Wanted, as well as his WordTheatre performance and various podcasts. He’s also been working on other projects, including filming for his role in Oppenheimer.

Birthday collage by Daclaren

Tim, we hope that the upcoming year is filled with even more joy and beautiful things! Much love and gratitude to you from all of us! ❤️🎉

To send your birthday wishes to Tim, comment on this post or leave them on our Instagram post (Tim’s most active on IG). We’ll make sure he sees them!

Happy Birthday, Tim!

Sending out big birthday wishes to Tim, who turns 58 today!!

It’s been a crazy year for sure – last year’s birthday took place during quarantine, and a year later, most places around the world are still under some kind of restrictions/quarantine. There is an end in sight, though, and we’re hoping Tim will be able to have a wonderful birthday this year. (And since it’s on Saturday, he should just celebrate all weekend long, right?) Here’s hoping, also, that the upcoming year will be full of great things for Tim and his family!

Leave your birthday wishes for Tim in the comments or on IG and we’ll make sure he gets them! 💗