Lookinglass is now Second Chance and will premiere on January 13th 2016

Fox has just released their schedule for 2016, and we now have a date for Tim’s new series! It will premiere on January 13th 2016 at 9 pm.

Oh and the show is now called Second Chance.

And they have yet another Twitter handle: @secondchancefox, as well as a Facebook page and Instagram.

Update: They also released a new HQ promo photo of Tim as Duval Pritchard, and we’ve added it to the gallery – click the photo below to see the full-sized shot!

5 Comments on “Lookinglass is now Second Chance and will premiere on January 13th 2016”

  1. Seriously? Title changes aren’t uncommon when a series is in development, but title changes this late in the process–three, no less–suggests dissension in the ranks. I’m trying not to overreact but come on….

    “Second Chance” hones in on the premise more precisely than the previous titles, but it also understates the scope of the ethical and moral issues the premise promises to explore. Surely, there was a more dynamic way to describe a “second chance” but at this point, I just want the change to stick so the promotional campaign can begin.

    On the upside, the time slot–Wednesday, 9 p.m.–is hot, considering the current occupant is Empire, the most watched series currently airing on any network. I watch Empire and other Fox/FX fare enough to expect trailers in the near future, including during NFL programming on Sundays. I hope Fox doesn’t disappoint.

  2. “Lookinglass” for me was a more intriguing title you never know what or how you see throught a mirror …but probably the story evolved in a different path from what they had in their mind at the beginning so maybe ” Second Chace” explain better the plot ..we’ll see ..

    1. Grace, I hadn’t thought of the title “Lookinglass” in that way–nice! That title might have reflected more the internal conflicts faced by Kazinsky’s character. I like it better now…not that it matters.

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