Merry Christmas – here’s the Second Chance pilot!

Hope everyone who celebrates it is having a wonderful Christmas so far!

Fox has given us a great present this year – they’ve posted the pilot of Tim’s new show, Second Chance, in its entirety! Check it out on FOXNow.

You can also watch on FoxNow at this link: Second Chance pilot. And if you have access to Fox On Demand through your cable provider, it’s available there as well!

Enjoy! And thank you, Fox, for making this a very happy holiday for Team DeKay! πŸ˜€

Edited to add: For those outside the available viewing areas, try the following download links. These are NOT hosted by Team DeKay but have been tested and seem to work fine. (If any of them are down, please let us know so we can remove the link.) HD: 1fichier | HugeFiles. SD:Β 1fichier.

New Second Chance Trailer and Cast Photo

Fox has released yet another new (longer this time) trailer for Second Chance, as well as a new cast photo!

As you can see, both this trailer and the other recently-released one are focusing more on the father-son relationship between Tim’s character and Rob Kazinsky’s, which is great news. And judging by Tim’s “position” in the new cast photo (right up front with Rob), it looks like we’ll be seeing quite a bit of him!

Here’s the photo, courtesy of TV Insider.

(Click for the UHQ version in our gallery!)

And Ara has added some screencaps from both of the recent trailers to our gallery – check them out here!

Second Chance premieres Wednesday, January 13 on FOX at 9 pm eastern.

Happy 13th Birthday, Danna!

Tim and Elisa now officially have two teenagers – happy 13th birthday to the lovely Danna DeKay!

Danna is beautiful inside and out, a gracious young lady, a volleyball star, an awesome daughter/sister/person, and much more! Here’s hoping the upcoming year brings her all kinds of happiness and good things!

I decided to do collages on Instagram for “milestone” birthdays (Jamis got one this year as well for his 16th), so here’s my collage for Danna – 13 pics for 13 years, with a mix of current pics, family members, and younger photos.

Happy Birthday, Danna!

Update: Elisa reposted the collage on her IG account with some very sweet remarks! We’re so blessed to have the support of the whole DeKay family here at Team DeKay! πŸ˜€

For some reason, it’s not letting me embed Elisa’s post like I did with the one above, but you can check it out —> here!

Season 1 of Lookinglass To Have 11 Episodes

Entertainment Weekly and Deadline are reporting that the debut season of Lookinglass, which was originally supposed to have 13 episodes, has been trimmed to eleven. This is fairly common for midseason replacements, and has nothing to do with what they expect of the show, but is instead related to the network’s scheduling needs.

The obvious good news is that we now know how many episodes we’ll get! The EW article mentions that Fox will be announcing their midseason schedule in the coming weeks, so hopefully we’ll get a premiere date soon.

In the meantime, here’s a great shot of Tim with actor Paolo Maiolo, filming episode 6 last week in Vancouver.

And this shot from Amanda Detmer, filming a scene with Tim and Rob Kazinsky.

Werkin' @tim_dekay @robkazinsky #timdekay #robkazinsky #lookinglass

A post shared by Amanda Detmer (@amanda_detmer) on

Looking forward to seeing more!


Lookinglass Screening at NYCC

If you’re attending New York Comic Con (NYCC) this year, heads up! There will be an advance screening of Tim’s new Fox series, Lookinglass, as well as a Q&A session with star Rob Kazinsky and executive producers Rand Ravich and Howard Gordon, on Sunday, October 11.

The screening starts at 11 am in room 1A06 and will be followed by the Q&A – here’s a link with more info.

The NYCC takes place at the Javits Center, 655 W 34th St., in Manhattan. Tickets are sold out, but I wanted to post the info anyway for anyone who was already attending. If you’re going to see the screening, please let us know! πŸ™‚


Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-ray Promo

Wolfe Video has released a promo video for the Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-ray, including clips of new interviews with Tim and some of his castmates!

timbigedenblurayThis new HD version of the award-winning film will be released on Blu-ray on October 13, as well as being available on-demand from iTunes, Vimeo On Demand, and!

Here’s the promo video – H/T to /bent. Check out J.D. Borden’s post about the Blu-ray release for more info!

The Blu-ray is still available for pre-order on as well!

The Frankenstein Code is now Lookinglass

Tim’s new Fox series has undergone another name change. The show, formerly known by the working titles Frankenstein and The Frankenstein Code, is now called Lookinglass!

Due to the name change, the show also has new Twitter and Instagram accounts. You can find them at @LookinglassFOX on Twitter, @LookinglassFOX on Instagram, and LookinglassFOX on Facebook.

Definitely “looking” forward to seeing what they have in store for us! πŸ™‚

Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-Ray

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movie, Big Eden, Wolfe Video is releasing the film on Blu-ray! The anniversary edition, which will be released on October 13, includes a newly-remastered version of the movie, as well as a “Remembering Big Eden” featurette, with interviews with Tim and some of his castmates.

The 15th Anniversary Blu-ray is currently available for pre-order on at this link.

If you haven’t yet seen Big Eden, it’s a wonderful movie – and of course, a must-watch for any Tim fan! It’s a beautiful love story – though not the one you might originally think – and was well ahead of its time in its featuring of and handling of LGBT characters and themes.

For more info about the movie and the anniversary Blu-ray, check out this article on

Big Eden

CANCELLED – Tim to Appear at Stories on Stage in Denver

** Due to unforseen scheduling conflicts, Tim’s appearance at this event has been cancelled. **

Attention Denver area fans – Tim will be appearing at a Stories on Stage reading in Denver in September! He’ll be reading the short story, “God Bless America” by Steve Almond, at the event, which takes place at the Su Teatro Cultural and Performing Arts Center on Saturday, September 19 at 1:30 pm and again at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are $28 for adults and $15 for students and can be purchased at this link, or by calling 303-494-0523. More info about the event can be found here.


Happy 16th Birthday, Jamis!

Happy, happy birthday to Jamis, who turns “sweet sixteen” today! For those of you outside of the U.S., this is a big birthday, as 16 is the legal driving age in most states! Here’s hoping Jamis is having an awesome birthday, full of lots of great things and surrounded by loved ones! <3

I posted a birthday collage of photos of Jamis at various ages on the Team DeKay instagram account this morning and was thrilled to get comments from both Jamis and Tim!

Then the lovely Elisa took it a step further and reposted my collage to her own account!

Happy Birthday, Jamis! And many thanks to the entire DeKay family for their continued support of the site. We love and appreciate all of you!