Little Foxes for L.A. Theatre Works

Wow – it’s been a while! Hope everyone had a wonderful summer (or a tame winter, if you’re in the southern hemisphere)! We’ve got some news, courtesy of Broadway World.

Tim will be performing in a recording of Lillian Helman’s The Little Foxes for L.A. Theatre Works at UCLA’s James Bridges Theatre on October 19, 20, and 21, 2018. He will be reading the part of Ben Hubbard, alongside Mamie Gummer as Regina, Jared Harris as Horace, and Jamie Harris as Oscar. The performances will be recorded and later available for streaming and for purchase on CD and as a digital download.

If you’re interested in attending, check out this link for more info and to buy tickets!

Second Chance now available on DVD

Second Chance, featuring Tim as Duval Pritchard, is now available on DVD!

The three-disc set, released today, is available on Amazon. For some reason, the description on Amazon’s page mentions a Turkish series, but all of the other details describe Fox’s Second Chance, and confirms that the DVD released today is for the Fox series with Tim, Rob Kazinsky, and Dilshad Vadsaria.

Second Chance cast

ViewPoint Movie and Screencaps

ViewPoint, a short film starring Tim, Nick Thurston, Montana Roesch, and Amy Schloerb, is now available on demand on HBO and HBO Go! The release was a bit of a surprise to all of us, Tim included, but we’re excited that we get to see this one! It’s available through July 15, so be sure to check it out soon.

I won’t spoil anything, but I’ll say that it’s a very short film (8 minutes) and is an interesting commentary on something with which so many in society are currently obsessed. I enjoyed it, though I wish they’d had more time – I could easily have watched more of this!

Also, screencaps have been added to the gallery, courtesy of Aragarna!

Tim in Viewpoint

Enjoy, and let us know what you think of the movie!

Four Years and Counting

Happy 4th Anniversary Team DeKay

Four years ago today, Aragarna and I officially launched! At the time, there was no active fansite for Tim – the ones in existence were abandoned or hacked. We knew Tim deserved better, and we wanted to give his fans a place to find up-to-date information, media, etc.

Four years later, we’re still going strong, with a recently redesigned site and accounts across the major social media networks. And a big part of our success is all of you! Thanks so much to everyone who visits us here and on social media, comments/likes/shares/retweets, and supports us in other ways. You’re all awesome!

And a huge thanks, of course, to Tim and his amazing family for all of their support! They’ve been so wonderful to us, which makes this even more fun, and we’re proud to support them through this site.

Here and Now 1×10 Reaction Post

Okay, that was quite an interesting season finale! We did get some answers and closure, but things were still left wide open enough for a second season – hoping the show will get one. Anything else I could say would be too close to spoilers, so I’ll save it for the comments.

So, what did you think of the finale? Was it enough, or did it leave you wanting even more? You know the drill – leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared.)

Here and Now 1×09 Reaction Post

Well, we finally got a ‘reunion’ of sorts between Steven and Greg (and a lot of posturing), as well as some hard truths about Steven’s real motives. This was a riveting episode, and I’m not just talking about the Steven/Audrey storyline! With only one more episode left, I’m already wanting a second season!

What did you think? Let us know in the comments below – and as before, it doesn’t have to be just about Tim’s scenes. And thanks so much to those who jumped in on last week’s discussion! Lots of great opinions/meta going on there!

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared.)