We’re proud to be teaming up with Tim and the Real Men Wear Pink campaign to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness! And when you donate on Tim’s page, you can also earn chances to win some great prizes, including a one-on-one chat with Tim himself!
We’ve set up a page here on the site with all of the details: Real Men Wear Pink.
There are three different ways to participate, including a raffle, tiered donations (again with a chance to chat with Tim), and fan creation (fanfic or art) commissions for donations! 100% of your donations will go to Tim’s RMWP campaign – the prizes are just a bonus!
We’ll be posting more about this (and updating the page) over the coming days and weeks, so stay tuned for more information. And if you have any questions, please email us or use the contact form!
Thank you for your donations and for helping Tim raise money for such a worthy cause!
As a breast cancer survivor and huge Tim DeKay fan, I love that he is taking this cause on!
I am a big Tim DeKay and White Collar fan. I am also a breast cancer survivor (8 years) so I appreciate Tim taking on this cause!
Just emailed you, Kristen – thank you so much for your donation! I’m so sorry you had to go through that battle, but 8 years (and counting!) is awesome – clearly, you kicked cancer’s butt! 👊