A Christmas Pudding Returns

Great news – Tim is once again performing in “A Christmas Pudding” this year!

The Pudding, which is returning after a four-year Covid hiatus, is described in the press release as “a delightful evening of stories, poetry, and song that celebrates the grace, goodness, and occasional perils of the season.”

There’s only one performance this year, on Saturday, December 16 at 7:00 pm at Westwood Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles. You can get tickets at the door or on Eventbrite – $25 for adults and $10 for kids 16 and under.

Proceeds from this year’s Pudding go to FosterAll, “a charity started by Westwood Presbyterian and Dr. Mary Rotzien to support foster children and parents.”

Bid on Zoom Meeting with Tim and Matt

Have you ever wanted to chat with Tim and Matt about White Collar? Here’s your chance!

A Zoom meeting with Tim and Matt is just one of the many items up for bids in an auction benefitting The Union Solidary Coalition. According to TUSC’s website, they’re currently offering “direct financial support to crew members who have lost health insurance due to strike-related shutdowns.” This isn’t for the A-listers but instead benefits members of IATSE, Teamsters, and others who are out of work because of the strikes and who’ve lost their health insurance as a result.

According to the auction listing on eBay, the winner will get a 20-minute Zoom conversation with Tim and Matt where you can chat White Collar with them, and you’re allowed to bring one friend! It’s open to US residents only, and you can take photos but can’t record video of the session. The rest of the details, including the small print, disclaimers, etc., can be found in the auction listing. The auction ends on Friday, September 22 at 7:13pm (time zone isn’t specified).

As of the time of this post, the current bid is up to $1925.00, so it’s probably not even remotely feasible for most (myself included), but we hope the lucky winners have a wonderful time!

There are lots of other amazing auctions benefitting TUSC as well – check them out here! All are legitimate, but make sure to read all of the fine print before bidding! (Tim and Matt both posted about the auction on their respective IG accounts.)

Oppenheimer Hits Theaters This Friday

While we can still post about this – Oppenheimer hits theaters in the US and UK this Friday, July 21! Tim has a small role as Senator Pastore in the film, which was written and directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., and Florence Pugh.

The film was shot in IMAX, and the best way to see it would be at a theater capable of showing the IMAX 70mm version. You can find a list of those in this article, which also explains the different film formats. The regular version of the film will also be playing in theaters across the country, so you can still check it out there if you don’t live close enough to an IMAX location.

This is one of the most highly-anticipated films of the year, and we’re thrilled that Tim got to be a part of it!

Edited to add: international release dates include July 19 for France, July 20 for Germany and Denmark, and July 21 for Norway and Sweden.

Happy 60th Birthday, Tim!

Happy Birthday, Tim!!

It’s hard to believe an entire decade has passed since the first time Ara and I worked on a birthday project together for Tim, but here we are! Back in 2013, Ara put together a birthday book of greetings from around the world for Tim’s 50th and gave it to him in person in NYC just before his birthday, and it was a huge hit! That’s also the first time she and I worked together on something for Tim, and it wasn’t long after that we debuted this very website!

I’ve been posting lots of birthday collages and greetings for Tim on Instagram. Most of it is included on the feed itself, but anything in the stories was also added to a highlight collection so it can be viewed for longer than 24 hours. Check it out!

Tim, I hope you’ve had an amazing 60th birthday, and that you have a great year ahead and many, many more to come! Much love! ❤️

Here are a few of the collages I posted to IG:

Law & Order 22×17 Reaction Post

Here’s the reaction post for Tim’s episode of Law & Order – editing this now that I’ve had a chance to watch. What a great role! It was wonderful to see Tim get so much screen time in this one. I was hoping we’d see quite a bit of him since he was the top-billed guest star, and the episode didn’t disappoint!

So what did you think? Let us know in the comments, as usual!

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)

FabTV Interview with Tim

FabTV interviewed Tim last week for the “Honor: In Their Words” event at the Hollywood Legion Theater, and they’ve posted the interview on YouTube! Tim talks more about the event itself, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, and about growing up during that time and seeing the effects it had on those who served.

Check it out here!

Honor: In Their Words Event Photos

As promised on Instagram, here are the photos from the “Honor: In Their Words” event Tim did yesterday at the Hollywood Legion Theater for WordTheatre. (Click the link above or the photo below to see the rest!)

Tim at the Honor: In Their Words event on March 18, 2023. Close-up, smiling photo.

The event, which honored military veterans on the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, featured actors reading stories written by veterans. Tim read “Thanksgiving Special” from In Pharoah’s Army: Memories of the Lost War by Tobias Wolff, and he was joined by the likes of Sharon Stone, Bill Pullman, Kathy Baker, Griffin Dunne, and Jason George.

If you’re a paid member of WordTheatre, they should be posting a video of this event soon! In the meantime, check out the great photos in the gallery.

Tim on Law & Order, More WordTheatre

Great news – Tim will be guest-starring on an upcoming episode of Law & Order! He’ll play Judge Ephraim Raymer in the episode entitled “Bias,” which will air on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 8pm eastern on NBC. At this time, we don’t have any other info or promo stills, but I’ll update when we do! (Thanks to J for the airdate info!)

Also, this is last-minute, and the event is already sold out, but Tim will be doing another WordTheatre reading on Saturday, March 18. He’ll be part of the “Honor: In Their Words” event, in which the cast of actors reads stories written by military veterans. The event starts at 7:30pm Pacific at the Hollywood Legion Theater in Hollywood. Even though you can no longer get tickets, they’ll be recording and posting the event for WordTheatre paid members!

Story Performance for WordTheatre

Great news for those in the SoCal area – Tim will be doing a story reading for WordTheatre at William Turner’s Gallery in Santa Monica on Saturday, January 28! The readings start at 7:00pm, although the event itself starts with drinks and book signings at 6pm and a Q&A with the authors at 6:30.

Tim will be performing “Ghost Stories” by Peter Orner, and there will also be a performance by Kate Burton of “Tiny Meaningless Things” by Marisa Silver.

Anyone who makes a donation of $100 will also get to have dinner with the authors and actors right after the performances!

Check out WordTheatre’s post about the event for more information and for a link to purchase tickets. If any of you are able to go, let us know how it was!

1923 1×03 Reaction Post

And there you have it. Tim’s final episode of 1923 was released on New Year’s Day. Maybe not the outcome you were hoping to see to start your 2023, but I still loved getting to see him back for something new and wonderfully cinematic, no matter how brief his time there! (Yes, I knew – and you did, too, if you’ve been paying attention! 👀)

So what did you think of this one? Are you enjoying the series so far – other than this particular outcome? Let us know in the comments!

Tim DeKay as Bob Strafford in season 1 episode 3 of 1923. Bob is dressed in period clothes and is riding a horse.
That expression does not bode well.

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)