The Frankenstein Code: first promo picture and trailer screencaptures

Fox has just released the first promo picture of Tim as Duval Pritchard. Photos of the other members of the cast can ben found at their Facebook page.


In addition, screencaptures from the trailer and the behind the scene promo can be found in the gallery as well.


Best Man Wins at USA Film Festival in Dallas

Best Man Wins, which premiered tonight at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC, will also be shown as part of next week’s USA Film Festival in Dallas, TX!

It’s part of the 8-film ‘Narrative Films 1’ program, which takes place on Thursday, April 23 at 7 pm at the Angelika Film Center in Dallas. This is a free admission program! For more info, check out these links:

USA Film Festival
Full Schedule of Programs (PDF) – info about the showing of Best Man Wins is on page 3

If you’re able to attend, we’d love to hear what you thought of Best Man Wins!

I’ve also added ten Best Man Wins captures to the gallery, all courtesy of Gonella Productions.

BMW capture

Team DeKay is now on Facebook!

We already have social media presences on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr – now, Team DeKay has joined Facebook as well!

Click here to check out our Facebook page!

It’s brand new, so there’s not much there yet, but that will soon change! We plan on using the Facebook page to cross-post news from here, as well as for all sorts of miscellaneous things that don’t necessarily warrant a whole new entry on the site.

Since the White Collar fandom still seems to be alive and well on Facebook, I figured it was about time to take the plunge and create a space for us there, especially for those who prefer Facebook over Instagram, Twitter, etc. Hope to see many of you there! 😀

Also, just a reminder that the DeKay family’s episode of Dinner at Tiffani’s airs tonight on the Cooking Channel at 10 pm eastern! (For those who don’t get the Cooking Channel or who are in other countries, we’ll have the episode available on TDKTV soon.)

Brady Smith posted a great photo of the DeKay and Smith families on Instagram:

Can’t wait to see it!

Tim and co-stars on the Frankenstein set

Today, we got to see the first shots of Tim and two of his co-stars, Dilshad Vadsaria and Adhir Kalyan, on the set of Fox’s Frankenstein pilot in Dallas! Thanks so much to Tim and Dilshad for posting these.

It’s great to see so much enthusiasm from these three! Looking forward to seeing more from the set.

A load of updates in the Gallery!

Hello all TDK fans!
Daclaren and I have been working on a lot of uploads to the image gallery!

Screencaptures (1080p) from the Big Ol’ Texas Feast episode of Dinner at Tiffani’s are now available, as well as screencaptures (720p) from the Best Man Wins trailer.

We’ve also added screencaptures (1080p) from the 2007 Numb3rs episode Tim guest starred in. Many thanks to Kanarek13 for providing all those sets.

Promo stills of medium quality for Body of Proof are now available.

Promo stills and posters of various quality from season 1 and season 2 of Carnivale have been added,

as well as a few medium stills and a poster of Big Eden.

Finally, make sure to regularly check the White Collar galleries, as we are still in the process to add screencaptures from season 1 and season 2.

Enjoy! 🙂

Revenge and Agents of Shield HQ Stills

High quality stills from Tim’s appearances on Revenge and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been added to the gallery! The Revenge stills, and the ones from the first episode of AoS are the same ones we had before, just larger!

The gallery from Tim’s second episode of AoS, “The Things We Bury,” includes a HQ version of the one still we had before, as well as ten new HQ stills! Click on the photos below to be taken to each updated gallery. (Thanks to Far, Far Away for all of these!)

(I’ve also found some high and medium quality stills from Carnivale and will be adding them to the gallery soon. 🙂 )

Revenge Promo Stills

AOS Fractured House stills

AoS The Things We Bury stills

Best Man Wins – Tribeca Schedule & Trailer

Thanks to Tim himself for the heads-up on this! Tribeca has posted the schedule for Tim’s short film, Best Man Wins, as well as a wonderful trailer! Check it out at this link:

Best Man Wins | 2015 Tribeca Film Festival

And here’s the trailer – this looks great! Chances are good that we’ll actually get to see this one at some point, too!

Edit: I added three promotional stills to the gallery – click the beautiful image below to see the rest!

Best Man Wins promo still

Dinner at Tiffani’s Preview With the DeKays

Great news about Dinner at Tiffani’s – there’s a new preview video featuring scenes with Tim, Elisa, and Jamis! And after looking at the scenes in the video, Ara and I have come to the conclusion that it looks like Tim will be in two different episodes, one with the White Collar guys (Sharif and Willie) and one with his family!

The airdate/time info I listed in the earlier entry about Dinner at Tiffani’s was for the episode featuring the WC guys – it will air on Wednesday, March 11 at 10 pm eastern, and then will re-air at 2 am on Thursday, March 12; 10:30 pm on Sunday, March 15; and 2:30 am on Monday, March 16.

As of now, we don’t have airdate/time info for the episode featuring the DeKay family. The episode guide on the Cooking Channel’s website is incomplete, but I’m trying to at least find out which episode number it is, which will then give us an airdate. As soon as I have this info, I’ll be sure to post it here!

In the meantime, here’s the video! (Scroll down for a link to screencaps in our gallery!)

Pull up a chair! Dinner at Tiffani's from Tiffani Thiessen on Vimeo.

I’ve also added screencaps from the preview video to our gallery!

DeKays on Dinner at Tiffani's