Team DeKay is now on Facebook!

We already have social media presences on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr – now, Team DeKay has joined Facebook as well!

Click here to check out our Facebook page!

It’s brand new, so there’s not much there yet, but that will soon change! We plan on using the Facebook page to cross-post news from here, as well as for all sorts of miscellaneous things that don’t necessarily warrant a whole new entry on the site.

Since the White Collar fandom still seems to be alive and well on Facebook, I figured it was about time to take the plunge and create a space for us there, especially for those who prefer Facebook over Instagram, Twitter, etc. Hope to see many of you there! 😀

Also, just a reminder that the DeKay family’s episode of Dinner at Tiffani’s airs tonight on the Cooking Channel at 10 pm eastern! (For those who don’t get the Cooking Channel or who are in other countries, we’ll have the episode available on TDKTV soon.)

Brady Smith posted a great photo of the DeKay and Smith families on Instagram:

Can’t wait to see it!

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