Tim and co-stars on the Frankenstein set

Today, we got to see the first shots of Tim and two of his co-stars, Dilshad Vadsaria and Adhir Kalyan, on the set of Fox’s Frankenstein pilot in Dallas! Thanks so much to Tim and Dilshad for posting these.

It’s great to see so much enthusiasm from these three! Looking forward to seeing more from the set.

3 Comments on “Tim and co-stars on the Frankenstein set”

  1. Happy to see these photos, and I hope everything is going well with the pilot. I know I’ll be anxious to hear if Fox will pick up the series in May.

    1. Yeah, that one was posted a day later, so it didn’t make it into this entry. Those are co-stars Ciara Bravo and Kennedy Tucker. Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out, and hoping Fox picks it up!

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