Happy 16th Birthday, Jamis!

Happy, happy birthday to Jamis, who turns “sweet sixteen” today! For those of you outside of the U.S., this is a big birthday, as 16 is the legal driving age in most states! Here’s hoping Jamis is having an awesome birthday, full of lots of great things and surrounded by loved ones! <3

I posted a birthday collage of photos of Jamis at various ages on the Team DeKay instagram account this morning and was thrilled to get comments from both Jamis and Tim!

Then the lovely Elisa took it a step further and reposted my collage to her own account!

Happy Birthday, Jamis! And many thanks to the entire DeKay family for their continued support of the site. We love and appreciate all of you!

3 Comments on “Happy 16th Birthday, Jamis!”

  1. Just now catching up…wow, how beautiful is that! Nice selection of photos!

    The DeKays are such a beautiful family, it almost makes me weep to look at them.

    I hope Jamis had a wonderful 16th birthday, a milestone birthday for every teenager (and every teenager’s parents)!

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