DeKay Home Featured in Ventura Blvd Magazine

Major thanks to Kathy C. for the heads-up about this!! πŸ™‚

The DeKay family’s home, Stone Pine Farmhouse, is featured in the April 2016 issue of Ventura Blvd Magazine! You can read the article on their website at this link or view the online version of the magazine at Issuu. If it’s easier for you to download and read offline, here’s a direct link to the PDF file.

After doing some research, I discovered that photographer Fraser Almeida has uploaded 65 stunning photos of Stone Pine Farmhouse to his company’s Facebook page!

Here's the edited photos of the celebrities house in California I shot for the actor who plays in the tv show White…

Posted by Luxury Homes Photography on Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Enjoy, and thanks again, Kathy!

Happy 13th Birthday, Danna!

Tim and Elisa now officially have two teenagers – happy 13th birthday to the lovely Danna DeKay!

Danna is beautiful inside and out, a gracious young lady, a volleyball star, an awesome daughter/sister/person, and much more! Here’s hoping the upcoming year brings her all kinds of happiness and good things!

I decided to do collages on Instagram for “milestone” birthdays (Jamis got one this year as well for his 16th), so here’s my collage for Danna – 13 pics for 13 years, with a mix of current pics, family members, and younger photos.

Happy Birthday, Danna!

Update: Elisa reposted the collage on her IG account with some very sweet remarks! We’re so blessed to have the support of the whole DeKay family here at Team DeKay! πŸ˜€

For some reason, it’s not letting me embed Elisa’s post like I did with the one above, but you can check it out —> here!

Happy 16th Birthday, Jamis!

Happy, happy birthday to Jamis, who turns “sweet sixteen” today! For those of you outside of the U.S., this is a big birthday, as 16 is the legal driving age in most states! Here’s hoping Jamis is having an awesome birthday, full of lots of great things and surrounded by loved ones! <3

I posted a birthday collage of photos of Jamis at various ages on the Team DeKay instagram account this morning and was thrilled to get comments from both Jamis and Tim!

Then the lovely Elisa took it a step further and reposted my collage to her own account!

Happy Birthday, Jamis! And many thanks to the entire DeKay family for their continued support of the site. We love and appreciate all of you!

Team DeKay is now on Facebook!

We already have social media presences on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr – now, Team DeKay has joined Facebook as well!

Click here to check out our Facebook page!

It’s brand new, so there’s not much there yet, but that will soon change! We plan on using the Facebook page to cross-post news from here, as well as for all sorts of miscellaneous things that don’t necessarily warrant a whole new entry on the site.

Since the White Collar fandom still seems to be alive and well on Facebook, I figured it was about time to take the plunge and create a space for us there, especially for those who prefer Facebook over Instagram, Twitter, etc. Hope to see many of you there! πŸ˜€

Also, just a reminder that the DeKay family’s episode of Dinner at Tiffani’s airs tonight on the Cooking Channel at 10 pm eastern! (For those who don’t get the Cooking Channel or who are in other countries, we’ll have the episode available on TDKTV soon.)

Brady Smith posted a great photo of the DeKay and Smith families on Instagram:

Can’t wait to see it!

Dinner at Tiffani’s – DeKay family episode airdate

The Cooking Channel finally updated their Dinner at Tiffani’s episode guide to include the info for the episode with Tim and his family!

The episode, ‘All in the Family,’ will air on Wednesday, April 15 at 10 pm eastern. It will re-air on Thursday, April 16 at 2 am; Monday, April 20 at 1 pm, and Tuesday, April 21 at 7 am.

Episode synopsis can be found at this link.

Just a reminder: the episode with Tim, Sharif Atkins, and Willie Garson will air next Wednesday, March 11 at 10 pm. Check out the previous entry for more info and additional airdates/times! πŸ™‚

Dinner at Tiffani’s Preview With the DeKays

Great news about Dinner at Tiffani’s – there’s a new preview video featuring scenes with Tim, Elisa, and Jamis! And after looking at the scenes in the video, Ara and I have come to the conclusion that it looks like Tim will be in two different episodes, one with the White Collar guys (Sharif and Willie) and one with his family!

The airdate/time info I listed in the earlier entry about Dinner at Tiffani’s was for the episode featuring the WC guys – it will air on Wednesday, March 11 at 10 pm eastern, and then will re-air at 2 am on Thursday, March 12; 10:30 pm on Sunday, March 15; and 2:30 am on Monday, March 16.

As of now, we don’t have airdate/time info for the episode featuring the DeKay family. The episode guide on the Cooking Channel’s website is incomplete, but I’m trying to at least find out which episode number it is, which will then give us an airdate. As soon as I have this info, I’ll be sure to post it here!

In the meantime, here’s the video! (Scroll down for a link to screencaps in our gallery!)

Pull up a chair! Dinner at Tiffani's from Tiffani Thiessen on Vimeo.

I’ve also added screencaps from the preview video to our gallery!

DeKays on Dinner at Tiffani's

A delicious Christmas Pudding

My friend PL and I were foolish enough to decide to book a flight to LA to go see A Christmas Pudding. It was a small venue, probably no more than 100 seats, and we made sure to arrive early. So early in fact that we ran into Elisa who was checking the microphones, but we got the best seats. Front raw, and what later appeared to be right in front of Tim during the entire show.

The show, a creation of David Birney is made of a variety of texts, from Hamlet to Fruit Cake Recipes, that were read by David Birney, Anne Cioffi, Charles Cioffi, Tim DeKay, Michele Roberge, Ned Schmidtke and Elisa Taylor. The readings were interspersed by Christmas carols sung by a choir.

Continue reading A delicious Christmas Pudding

Happy Birthday, Elisa!

As Ara mentioned below, today is my birthday. Coincidentally enough, I happen to share a birthday with the beautiful Elisa DeKay!

I posted this on Instagram earlier but wanted to post it here, too. Elisa, I hope you had a wonderful birthday, and that the coming year brings you much happiness!

Tim and Elisa DeKay

Tim and Elisa at the Ribeiro Wedding in 2012. (Photo: ABM.)

This is absolutely my favorite photo of Tim and Elisa, taken at the wedding of Alfonso and Angela Ribeiro in 2012! <3 (I couldn't find a pic with just Elisa, and it felt weird to crop out loved ones, so I went with this lovely shot! These two always make me smile. πŸ™‚ )