Happy New Year from Team DeKay

Happy 2019, everyone!

2018 was a great year for Team DeKay – and for Tim! We got to see new work from Tim with his recurring role on HBO’s Here and Now, as well as a guest appearance on Ballers. Second Chance was released on DVD. Tim once again performed for A Christmas Pudding, as well as reading for LA Theatre Works’ recording of The Little Foxes.

And, of course, there was Tim’s participation in the American Cancer Society’s Real Men Wear Pink campaign. He came to us to help him raise funds for breast cancer initiatives, and with a raffle, tiered donation prizes, and fan work commissions-for-donations, we managed to help Tim raise just over $2500! Thanks so much to all of those who participated, whether through donating money, donating prizes, or spreading the word through social media! ๐Ÿ’—

RMWP campaign results

We continue to be active on social media, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and brand new presences on Dreamwidth and Pillowfort as well!

We’d like to wish all of you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous 2019! And, as always, thanks to Tim, Elisa, Danna, Jamis, and all of the extended DeKay family for their support of this page and our social media accounts. We truly appreciate it! Happy New Year! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅ‚๐ŸŽŠโค

Our Instagram 2018 Top Nine!

RMWP Raffle Winners

For those who haven’t yet seen this on one of our social media accounts, here’s the winners list for the raffle for Tim’s Real Men Wear Pink campaign! All winners have been contacted, so if your name is on this list and you haven’t received an email, check your spam folder. Congratulations to all of the winners! We had enough prizes to go around, so everyone who entered got something.

Grand Prize conversation with Tim DeKay: Desiree N.

Original painting by Isabelle Roc: Kristen G.

Peter Burkeโ€™s track pants from Gloves Off: Emma N.

Big Eden 20th Anniversary Blu-ray DVD: Ronda K.

White Collar travel board game set: Linda H.

White Collar Nalgene water bottle: Isabelle R.

White Collar fan-made baseball cap: Meaghan M.

Print/digital photo by Ania Klara: Julie Ann P.

Canvas print of Degasโ€™ Masked Dancers painting: Jeni L.

Canvas print of Chrysler Building painting: Irene V.

Prop FBI file folder from White Collar: Astrid K.

Copy of White Collar pilot script: Sabine H.

Prop Welsh gold โ€˜coinsโ€™ (1 each) from White Collar season 5: Emily C., Marie C., Amy H., Brian D., Aaron R., Ann M., Susan H., Diane B.

For those who chose fan works (fanfics or art), I’ll be in touch with you within the next few days to work out the details, if we haven’t already done so.

Also, the fan works commissions-for-donations and the tiered donations ($25 or more for shout-out from Tim in an Instagram video; $100 or more for a chat with Tim) ARE still available through the end of the year, so you still have time to donate for those! Let’s help Tim get the rest of the way to his goal – he’s so close!

Thanks so, so much to everyone who donated to Tim’s campaign, as well as to everyone who donated raffle prizes and fan works, everyone who helped us signal boost on social media, etc. You’re all awesome! ๐Ÿ’—

RMWP Update

Thanks so much to everyone to donated to Tim’s Real Men Wear Pink campaign!ย  We’ve helped Tim raise over $2,200 so far – that’s awesome!

The raffle entry period ended on November 30, and we’ll be doing the drawings very soon! I’d hoped to have it done already, but a few big things happened in my life over the past few days (good things), and they’re time-sensitive, so they’re taking a good bit of my time at the moment. We also have to sort everyone into various lists/groups, depending on whether they wanted to be entered into raffles for all of the prizes or just certain prizes.

While the raffle may be done, we are still taking commissions-for-donations for fanworks! In other words, you can still donate and request a fanfic, fan art, or both. Check out this link for more information and “costs” – keep in mind that 100% of your donation goes to Tim’s campaign. We just use the amount of your donation as a reference for how many pieces of art you can request and/or how long your fic will be.

The tiered donations still remain in effect as well. If you donate at least $25, you’ll get mentioned in Tim’s next shout-out video, and if you donate $100 or more, you’ll also get to chat with Tim himself! You still need to email your donation confirmation (screenshot or forward the confirmation email) to us to qualify!

Both the fanwork commissions and the tiered donations will continue until Tim’s RMWP campaign closes at the end of the year. Let’s try to get him to his goal – we’re so close! ๐Ÿ’—

It’s #GivingTuesday – Tim’s RMWP Campaign

Today isย #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving to and supporting important causes.

As you know by now, Tim is raising funds in the fight against breast cancer through the Real Men Wear Pink campaign. We’ve been focusing mostly on the raffle prizes so far, but we can’t lose sight of the fact that your donations are going toward breast cancer research, patient services (like free rides to treatment and free lodging), education, and much more.

Breast cancer affects people of all genders, but more folks are beating it with each passing year thanks to advances in treatment, earlier detection, and increased awareness – all of which are funded in part by donation campaigns like these!

Please consider giving to Tim’s RMWP campaign – any amount helps! And even if you choose to participate in the raffle and/or request fanworks, 100% of your donation still goes to Tim’s campaign! Let’s see if we can get Tim to his goal! Thank you all so much! ๐Ÿ’—

Real Men Wear Pink – Raffle Extended

Raffle Extended to November 30

If you were wondering why we didn’t have a big announcement about the end of the raffle entry period, here’s why – we’ve decided to extend the raffle period until November 30! You still have time to enter!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to this link and click on the donation button. That will take you to Tim’s official Real Mean Wear Pink/ACS donation page.
  2. Email a screenshot of your donation confirmation email – or forward the email itself – to pink@teamdekay.org! (Let us know if you want to be entered into the raffle, or if you’d like to commission a fanwork instead – or both! You can also choose to be entered only for certain prizes. Just let us know before December 1!)
  3. You’re done – thank you for your donation! โ˜บ

This will be the only extension! We’ll be drawing for raffle prizes within the first week of December, so hopefully, everything will be received in time for the holidays.

If you have any questions or concerns, email us at the above address! And thanks again to everyone who has already donated, as well as everyone who has donated prizes and offered fanworks. We truly appreciate how everyone has come together to make this a success!

Tim’s first RMWP shout-out video is here

Many of you have probably seen this already on social media, but I wanted to post it here as well!

Today, Tim posted the first of his Real Men Wear Pink shout-out videos for people who donated over $25 to his campaign and sent us their donation confirmations!

There’s still time to enter – click here to go to our page about Tim’s campaign! After you’ve donated on Tim’s campaign page, forward your confirmation email to us or email us a screenshot of your donation confirmation (pink at teamdekay.org), and you’ll be entered into the raffle for some awesome prizes!

If you donate over $25, you’ll automatically qualify for a mention in Tim’s next shout-out video – and if you donate over $100, you’ll get a call from Tim himself! (You can also choose to commission a fanfic or fan art if you’d prefer that over the raffle entries; we’ve had a great response to this option so far!)

Thanks so much to all of those who have donated so far!

Real Men Wear Pink update

We’re now two weeks in to helping Tim with his Real Men Wear Pink fundraiser, and we’ve raised over $1000 for breast cancer awareness and research! Thank you so, so much to everyone who has donated, to those who have offered raffle prizes and fan works, and to those who are helping spread the word on social media. We truly appreciate it!

RMWP total

Just a reminder that if you want to participate in the raffle, tiered donation prizes, or fan work commissions-for-donations, you need to email your donation confirmation to us! Instructions are on our RMWP page. If you’re having trouble getting your confirmation to us, send us a message her or on social media.

Also, stay tuned for the first of the tiered donation shout-out videos, coming soon!

Our raffle runs until November 15, but Tim’s RMWP campaign will still be active until the end of the year. Raising funds for this important cause doesn’t stop just because October is over! We’ll likely continue the tiered donation prizes (depending on Tim’s availability) and the fan works commissions-for-donations through the end of the year as well.

Real Men Wear Pink

We’re proud to be teaming up with Tim and the Real Men Wear Pink campaign to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness! And when you donate on Tim’s page, you can also earn chances to win some great prizes, including a one-on-one chat with Tim himself!

We’ve set up a page here on the site with all of the details: Real Men Wear Pink.

There are three different ways to participate, including a raffle, tiered donations (again with a chance to chat with Tim), and fan creation (fanfic or art) commissions for donations! 100% of your donations will go to Tim’s RMWP campaign – the prizes are just a bonus!

We’ll be posting more about this (and updating the page) over the coming days and weeks, so stay tuned for more information. And if you have any questions, please email us or use the contact form!

Thank you for your donations and for helping Tim raise money for such a worthy cause!

Tim on HBO’s Ballers

More news – I’m finally getting to post about this one! I’d originally heard that Tim was supposed to make an appearance on an episode of HBO’s Ballers back in August, but HBO never got back to my request for more info, and it wasn’t available on their website, on IMDb, etc. I didn’t want to post about it without knowing which episode, and unfortunately, the info wasn’t available until after the episode aired. Frustrating doesn’t even begin to cover it.

I found out today that it actually aired last Thursday, but it’s still available to stream on HBO’s website. It’s episode 7 of the current season (four), and Tim plays Todd Richardson. I’ve posted a few of my own quick captures on Instagram, and I’ll post a couple below, but we’ll have Ara’s much better caps available in the gallery soon!

Tim as Todd Richardson on HBO's Ballers