Final RMWP Shout-Out Videos Are Here

For those who haven’t yet seen this, Tim posted his final shout-out videos from the Real Men Wear Pink campaign today!

Those who donated $25 or more and sent their confirmation to us got a mention in the first video Tim posted today, while the second video featured shout-outs to those who donated prizes and fan works!

Shout-outs for those who donated $25 or more (and weren’t mentioned in the first video)!
And shout-outs for those who donated prizes and/or fan works!

Thanks again to everyone who donated money, prizes, and fan works, as well as those who helped us get the word out on social media. We truly appreciate everything you all did to help Tim reach his goal!

And, of course, thanks so much to Tim as well for inviting Team DeKay to help him with his campaign and putting his faith in us!

2 Comments on “Final RMWP Shout-Out Videos Are Here”

  1. Awww he’s always so adorable! love how he tries to get everyone’s name right. Not easy to have fans from all over the world!

    Thank you everyone who donated money, prizes or talent!

  2. I second the cuteness factor! Almost feel like I need to change my name though. It’s too easy for him! Bet he sighed in relief knowing he was going to be okay on saying mine!

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