Happy 21st Birthday, Jamis!

Today’s the big one for Jamis DeKay – he turns 21 years old today! Happy Birthday, Jamis! Although things are pretty crazy right now, we hope you have an awesome day, and we’re wishing you happiness, success, and good health in the upcoming year and beyond!

Here’s the collage I posted on Instagram – you can leave your birthday wishes for Jamis there (he follows our account), or you can post them here if you don’t have an IG account, and we’ll pass them along!

I’ll be sharing a few other photos and videos on our IG stories throughout the day, including this one, which is from exactly 10 years ago today – on Jamis’ 11th birthday!

Jamis will be starting his sophomore year at Yale (remotely) in the fall, and hopefully we’ll have Covid under control by spring so he can get back to playing baseball for the Bulldogs!

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