Tim on Romy & Dan’s High School Reunion Podcast

Tim recently recorded an episode of Romy & Dan’s High School Reunion Podcast, where he talks with the hosts about everything from his theatre background to baseball to family to White Collar! Check it out:

This was definitely interesting, though it seemed like the hosts talked about themselves as much as interviewing Tim. This was my first time listening to a podcast, so I’m not sure if that’s the norm or not (or if maybe it’s the norm for this particular podcast), but I wanted to put it out there anyway in case you’re expecting more of a standard interview format.

Also, there’s just a bit of NSFW language, so wear headphones if listening at work or if you don’t want your kids to hear it! (I’m fluent in profanity, so it didn’t bother me, but I figured I’d warn for it anyway.)

Edited to add part two – check it out here:

Lucky Dey Series Audiobooks

The audiobooks Tim recorded last summer are now available for purchase!

Image courtesy of Doug Richardson’s Instagram – thank you!

Audible has released the first three books in the Lucky Dey series by Doug Richardson, all narrated by Tim. Check out Doug’s audiobook page for links to purchase them on Audible, Apple Books, Kobo, and Playster.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes shot from last August!

Looking forward to listening to these – and to the ones that follow! If you get them, let us know what you think!

Tim on the Today Show

Thanks to Tim himself for the heads-up on this one!

Tim and three other Seinfeld recurring/guest stars were interviewed on the Today Show as part of their 30th anniversary celebration of the debut of Seinfeld.

There’s also a separate, longer interview with just Tim where he reminisces about his character (Kevin – aka Bizarro Jerry), tells us what he thinks Kevin is up to nowadays, and even gives us his best Seinfeld imitation!


Happy Birthday, Tim!

For those who didn’t see the various posts on Instagram from us and others, today is Tim’s birthday!

Happy, Happy Birthday, Tim! We hope you have a great day and a wonderful year ahead (and beyond) full of love and laughter and everything good!

Here are the birthday images we posted to Instagram – the collage is mine (Daclaren), and Aragarna made the sweet edit!

Edit of an image of Tim DeKay from the series Here and Now, with the words Happy Birthday Tim and a kiss on his cheek.

Leave your birthday wishes for Tim in the comments or on our Instagram post! 🙂

Toke is Cheap at LIIFE 2019 & More

Tim DeKay and Emmett Ford in a still from Toke is Cheap.

Toke is Cheap, the short film Tim filmed in Vancouver back in March of 2018, will have its US premiere at the Long Island International Film Expo on Monday, July 15, 2019! It was directed by Kerry van der Griend and co-stars Emmett Ford, Lisa Durupt, and Mary J. Eden.

If you want to check it out, it’s showing during block 3 (the 7:30-9:30pm block) at Bellmore Movies, 222 Pettit Avenue in Bellmore, NY. Check this link for more info and to buy tickets.

The film will also be shown at the Stony Brook Film Festival in Stony Brook, NY, on Sunday, July 21, 2019. It’s paired with the feature film Above the Clouds and will be showing at 9:30pm at the Staller Center for the Arts at Stony Brook University. More info and ticket link (scroll down to July 21) can be found here.

And for those fans in the UK who want to see the film even sooner, it’ll be shown at the High Peak Independent Film Festival in New Mills, Derbyshire on Saturday, June 15! It’s part of the Britain and Beyond 3 block at 12pm the New Mills Art Theatre on Jodrell Street. Check this link for more info and tickets.

I’ve also added a few behind the scenes photos and a trailer screencap to the gallery! If any of you get to see the film, let us know what you think!

Five Years of Team DeKay!

An image showing the previous four years of anniversary edits with a 5 Years of Team DeKay blurb in the center.

Five years ago today, two big fans of Tim DeKay launched a small fansite for him. At the time, there were no other active fansites for Tim – the few that had once existed were either deserted or hacked. We knew Tim and his fans deserved better, and we hoped we could fill those shoes.

We had high hopes for the site, but I’m not even sure we could have envisioned all of the wonderful things that have happened over the past five years! There have been new roles for Tim, professional and personal milestones, and even a successful charity fundraiser.

Thanks so much to all of you for sticking with us on this journey, and thanks to Tim, Elisa, Jamis, Danna, and their extended family and friends for their support and encouragement. All of you are awesome!

We look forward to seeing what the future brings!

Gallery Updates

After some downtime (for us and the DeKays), we’re back with some gallery updates!

I’ve added a 2019 album to the Public Appearances category and uploaded photos from the Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame premieres, as well as from MLB Foodfest.

The DeKays at the Avengers: Endgame world premiere, April 22, 2019.
The DeKays at the Avengers: Endgame world premiere, April 22, 2019.

I also added an album for miscellaneous photos from 2019 (mostly from social media) – I’ll be adding albums for previous years as well.

The DeKays with Dulé Hill, Lights Out: Nat King Cole, Geffen Playhouse, February 2019.
The DeKays with Dulé Hill, Lights Out: Nat King Cole, Geffen Playhouse, February 2019.

Hope all of you are having a great 2019 so far!

RMWP Fan Works Master Post

In addition to raffle prizes, those who donated to Tim’s Real Men Wear Pink campaign had the option of using some or all of their donation amount to commission fan works (writing or art). We were pleasantly surprised by the response; in all, we received 8 fan works commissions – four for writing and four for art!

Here are the links to the works that have been completed so far. As others are finished, they’ll be added to this list, and we’ll link this entry in the sidebar to make it easier to find! Enjoy!



Final RMWP Shout-Out Videos Are Here

For those who haven’t yet seen this, Tim posted his final shout-out videos from the Real Men Wear Pink campaign today!

Those who donated $25 or more and sent their confirmation to us got a mention in the first video Tim posted today, while the second video featured shout-outs to those who donated prizes and fan works!

Shout-outs for those who donated $25 or more (and weren’t mentioned in the first video)!
And shout-outs for those who donated prizes and/or fan works!

Thanks again to everyone who donated money, prizes, and fan works, as well as those who helped us get the word out on social media. We truly appreciate everything you all did to help Tim reach his goal!

And, of course, thanks so much to Tim as well for inviting Team DeKay to help him with his campaign and putting his faith in us!

The Little Foxes Audio Now Available

Thanks to Julie Ann for letting us know that the L.A. Theatre Works recording of The Little Foxes, featuring Tim and a number of other talented folks, is now available for purchase!

The Little Foxes starring Tim DeKay
Image courtesy of LA Theatre Works Instagram

The performance, which was recorded live at UCLA’s James Bridges Theater back in October, is available in mp3 format for $4.99 or on two CDs for $29.95.

To purchase the recording in either format, go to this link at Gumroad. (Scroll down below the poster/graphic to choose between mp3 and CD formats.)

Photo from a performance of The Little Foxes.
Photo courtesy of LA Theatre Works Instagram

Enjoy, and let us know what you think! Hope everyone is having a great 2019 so far!