The screencaptures of episode 10 of Second Chance, Geworfenheit, are now available in the gallery!
Second Chance 1×10 Reaction Post
OH. MY. GOD. What a heart-wrenching episode. And so much going on! Otto and Mary! Otto and Connor! Alexa and George! Lookinglass! The tank! And of course, Gracie running away, then being kidnapped, leaving behind heartbroken father and grandpa. Oh poor Duval….
Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.
(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)
Second Chance episodes 110 and 111 Promo Stills
Promo stills for episode 10, Geworfenheit, and episode 11, Gelassenheit, of Second Chance are now available in the gallery!
DeKay Home Featured in Ventura Blvd Magazine
Major thanks to Kathy C. for the heads-up about this!! 🙂
The DeKay family’s home, Stone Pine Farmhouse, is featured in the April 2016 issue of Ventura Blvd Magazine! You can read the article on their website at this link or view the online version of the magazine at Issuu. If it’s easier for you to download and read offline, here’s a direct link to the PDF file.
After doing some research, I discovered that photographer Fraser Almeida has uploaded 65 stunning photos of Stone Pine Farmhouse to his company’s Facebook page!
Here's the edited photos of the celebrities house in California I shot for the actor who plays in the tv show White…
Posted by Luxury Homes Photography on Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Enjoy, and thanks again, Kathy!
Second Chance 1×09 Screencaptures
The screencaptures for episode 9 of Second Chance, When You Have to Go There, They have to Take You In, are now available in the gallery!
Second Chance 1×09 Reaction Post
A monster is on the loose, revealing that Jimmy wasn’t the first human to be brought back from the dead. Meanwhile, in the Goodwin household, things are escalading quickly now that Mary is cured. On the one hand Otto can’t wait to get rid of Jimmy, while on the other hand, Connor and Alexa continue their secret evil scheming against the twins. Finally, Duval is struggling with the idea of his father possibly coming to live with him…. Share your thoughts on When You Have to Go There, They have to Take You In in the comments!
Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.
(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)
Second Chance episode 108, May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot, promo photos
The promo stills for episode 8 of Second Chance, May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot, are finally available in the gallery!
Source: Second Chance.
Best Man Wins coming to Cleveland and United Airlines
Best Man Wins will appear in its 20th festival at the Cleveland International Film Festival on April 3rd and 4th 2016. Check the CIFF website for details.
And for all the travelers, Best Man Wins will also be playing all of April on United Airlines long haul flights, on the Tribeca Film Festival Channel!
Second Chance 1×08 Screencaptures
The screencaptures for episode 8 of Second Chance, May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot, are now available in the gallery!
Second Chance 1×08 – Reaction Post
Jimmy’s past came back to haunt him, at the risk of ruining all his efforts to make up with Duval. Meanwhile, Gracie was finally back, with some secret of her own. And the good news for Mary’s health might not be so good a news for Jimmy’s… What did you think of this week’s episode. Share your thoughts with us below.
Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.
(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)