1923 1×03 Reaction Post

And there you have it. Tim’s final episode of 1923 was released on New Year’s Day. Maybe not the outcome you were hoping to see to start your 2023, but I still loved getting to see him back for something new and wonderfully cinematic, no matter how brief his time there! (Yes, I knew – and you did, too, if you’ve been paying attention! 👀)

So what did you think of this one? Are you enjoying the series so far – other than this particular outcome? Let us know in the comments!

Tim DeKay as Bob Strafford in season 1 episode 3 of 1923. Bob is dressed in period clothes and is riding a horse.
That expression does not bode well.

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)

1923 1×02 Reaction Post

So after saying there would be no new episode of 1923 this week, Paramount surprised us and posted one anyway! Needless to say, I was definitely caught off-guard by this, but no complaints here! This does mean that the schedule has moved up a week though (and most of the listings online still have the old schedule where there wasn’t a new ep this week), so Tim’s last episode will be next Sunday, January 1, 2023.

What did you think of this one? Let us know in the comments below!

As someone who got into the game, Red Dead Redemption 2, earlier this year and became heavily addicted to it, I’m loving the wild west vibe. RDR2 takes place in 1899, and even then they were talking about how outlaws were a dying breed and wouldn’t be tolerated much longer. Yet in 1923, we see that not all of those old habits have vanished from the frontier quite yet. They’re still taking the law into their own hands in some cases, doling out their own brand of frontier justice (as happens often in the game). And since I’ve gotten very into taming wild horses and bonding with them in the game, I also loved the discussion about how horse loyalty may save someone from swinging. (You’ll get that when you watch this episode!)

Tim DeKay and James Badge Dale in episode 2 of 1923. Both are wearing 20s era western style clothing and are on horseback.
Tim with James Badge Dale in episode 2 of 1923.

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)

1923 1×01 Reaction Post

So now that the premiere episode of 1923 has been out for a couple of days, I wanted to put up the reaction post. Have you been able to watch yet? What did you think of the latest series in the Yellowstone franchise? According to Deadline, the premiere set a record as Paramount Plus’s most watched US premiere ever, by quite a wide margin!

We only got one scene with Tim in this one, but it was a great introduction to his character, Bob Strafford. (And let’s face it, having that one scene be opposite Harrison Ford was a major bonus!) This particular interaction between Bob and Ford’s Jacob Dutton definitely got a chuckle out of me – loved it! And also, can we talk about that epic mustache?! Definitely suits him more now than the Burke-stache from years ago.

So what did you think? Let us know in the comments below! Screencaps are coming soon; Ara is on holiday and can’t do them at the moment, and hers are miles better than mine – definitely worth the wait! And be sure to check out the 1923: What to Expect video for more glimpses of Bob Strafford.

Tim DeKay and Harrison Ford in a scene from episode one of 1923. Both are sitting on horseback with the setting sun and a herd of cattle in the background.

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

(The usual disclaimer: You do NOT need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)

Gallery Update: 1923 Premieres

Wow – this past weekend was full of all sorts of things! In addition to Saturday being Elisa DeKay’s birthday (and mine), Tim’s new show, 1923, had two premieres – one in Los Angeles on Friday and another in Las Vegas on Saturday! The star-studded cast appeared at both events, and we were treated to quite a few photos, as well as social media posts from the accounts for the show and the network (Paramount Plus).

I’ve uploaded the photos we’ve gotten so far to our gallery – check them out here (LA) and here (Vegas). These are just the pro photos; I’ll be adding social media photos, as well as any additional pro photos we can get, over the next few days, so keep checking back! (Photo credits will also be added soon.)

Tim at 1923 Los Angeles premiere on Friday, December 2, 2022.
Tim at 1923 Las Vegas premiere on Saturday, December 3, 2022.

Tim in Yellowstone spinoff, 1923

Check it out! We finally have some more info about Tim’s character on the Yellowstone spin-off series, 1923.

According to Variety, Tim plays Bob Strafford, “a Montana rancher who’s anticipating an imminent wedding between his daughter and one of the Duttons.”

Tim told us that he’ll be in three episodes, and that he just wrapped filming in early November.

The series stars Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren and premieres on Paramount+ on December 18. You can check out the trailer here!

Interview: An Oral History of the Bizarro Jerry

Hi, folks – wow, it’s been a while! Hope everyone had a great summer (or winter, if you’re in the southern hemisphere)!

Here’s something new for you all – Cracked.com writer Brian VanHooker interviewed the guest stars of the Bizarro Jerry episode of Seinfeld, including Tim, for his article, “An Oral History of ‘The Bizarro Jerry:’ The Nerdiest Seinfeld Episode Ever.”

The article goes in-depth about the episode itself, as well as talking to the actors and writer about the process behind creating one of the most memorable episodes of the show. Some of the info has been covered before, like Tim having a scheduling conflict for the second episode, but some was new to me – including that his character originally had a different name! The Emmy story was also news to me and was a great bit of trivia! (Fair warning: the article is obviously full of spoilers, although I think all of you have probably seen Tim’s episodes anyway!)

(Image from the article.)

Tim on The Place to Be: A Seinfeld Podcast

Tim was recently interviewed by Adam and Eric for “The Place to Be: A Seinfeld Podcast.” Check out their linktree for links to various podcast platforms. Or, if you’re listening on Spotify, you can easily find it on our own playlist of Tim’s podcast appearances!

I haven’t had a chance to listen yet, but I’ll edit to add my thoughts when I do. If you’ve listened, let us know what you thought in the comments!

Wake – New Audiobook Featuring Tim

Tim is part of the cast for a new audiobook version of the graphic novel, Wake by Dr. Rebecca Hall, adapted for audio by Tyler English-Beckwith. The story follows Dr. Hall, a historian and granddaughter of slaves, as she digs deeper into the history of enslaved women and their powerful role in revolts.

In addition to Tim, the audiobook features a wonderful cast led by DeWanda Wise and Chanté Adams. (I don’t know the name of Tim’s character, but when I hear back from him, I’ll edit to add it.) You can find it on Audible!

Cover image for the audiobook Wake by Rebecca Hall.

Happy Birthday, Tim!

It’s that time again – sending out the happiest of birthday wishes to our forever favorite! The past year has been filled with so many great things, as well as adjusting to being an empty nester and getting back to that cross-country travel again. (Scroll down for more!)

Happy Birthday Tim graphic created by Aragarna
Birthday awesomness courtesy of Aragarna

We got to see Tim back on the small screen in FBI: Most Wanted, as well as his WordTheatre performance and various podcasts. He’s also been working on other projects, including filming for his role in Oppenheimer.

Birthday collage by Daclaren

Tim, we hope that the upcoming year is filled with even more joy and beautiful things! Much love and gratitude to you from all of us! ❤️🎉

To send your birthday wishes to Tim, comment on this post or leave them on our Instagram post (Tim’s most active on IG). We’ll make sure he sees them!

Tim in “Oppenheimer”

For those who didn’t see this on Instagram, we got some great news from Tim – he’ll be appearing in Christopher Nolan’s highly-anticipated upcoming film, Oppenheimer!

Official movie poster for Oppenheimer.

He’ll be portraying Senator John Pastore, and it’s a very small role, but this is still a really big movie with a star-studded cast.

The film will follow the life of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory during the Manhattan Project, and his role as “the father of the atomic bomb.” Cillian Murphy is starring as Oppenheimer, and the cast also includes Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr, Rami Malek, and Matt Damon. It’s set for a July 2023 release, so stay tuned…