Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-ray Promo

Wolfe Video has released a promo video for the Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-ray, including clips of new interviews with Tim and some of his castmates!

timbigedenblurayThis new HD version of the award-winning film will be released on Blu-ray on October 13, as well as being available on-demand from iTunes, Vimeo On Demand, and!

Here’s the promo video – H/T to /bent. Check out J.D. Borden’s post about the Blu-ray release for more info!

The Blu-ray is still available for pre-order on as well!

5 Comments on “Big Eden 15th Anniversary Blu-ray Promo”

    1. Yeah, that too. Tim receives a lot of respect, deservedly, for being such an incredibly talented actor, but I think he’s just as attractive and sexy…I mean, look at him!

      I remember him mentioning in the commentary for the WC pilot that he had to fight for that shirtless scene in the Burke bathroom. I couldn’t tell if he was joking, but if he wasn’t–really? Who wouldn’t want to see Tim shirtless? And that deleted scene from “Power Play”? Talk about hot….

  1. I’m thrilled this film is getting an anniversary re-release, and I hope it garners even more attention 15 years later. The values expressed are timeless, and represent an ideal yet to be achieved, but it is a sweet and lovely expression of what unconditional love and acceptance truly means. I admire Tim so much for wanting to be a part of it, and I hope the re-release brings him more good things.

  2. A nice interview with Big Eden director Thomas Bezuchaon, including nice comments about Tim–

    His comments about Dean are interesting. I remember being impressed and touched that a straight character–and I assumed Dean was straight–might question his sexuality, and even desire to be gay–because of deep feelings for a friend. I think it’s still the only film I’ve seen that so clearly and lovingly depicts characters struggling to understand how their sexual preference is not a choice, but simply how they feel, something about which none of us have a choice.

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