Dinner at Tiffani’s Preview With the DeKays

Great news about Dinner at Tiffani’s – there’s a new preview video featuring scenes with Tim, Elisa, and Jamis! And after looking at the scenes in the video, Ara and I have come to the conclusion that it looks like Tim will be in two different episodes, one with the White Collar guys (Sharif and Willie) and one with his family!

The airdate/time info I listed in the earlier entry about Dinner at Tiffani’s was for the episode featuring the WC guys – it will air on Wednesday, March 11 at 10 pm eastern, and then will re-air at 2 am on Thursday, March 12; 10:30 pm on Sunday, March 15; and 2:30 am on Monday, March 16.

As of now, we don’t have airdate/time info for the episode featuring the DeKay family. The episode guide on the Cooking Channel’s website is incomplete, but I’m trying to at least find out which episode number it is, which will then give us an airdate. As soon as I have this info, I’ll be sure to post it here!

In the meantime, here’s the video! (Scroll down for a link to screencaps in our gallery!)

Pull up a chair! Dinner at Tiffani's from Tiffani Thiessen on Vimeo.

I’ve also added screencaps from the preview video to our gallery!

DeKays on Dinner at Tiffani's

10 Comments on “Dinner at Tiffani’s Preview With the DeKays”

  1. This is so great – and the White Collar gang ep airs on my birthday – happy birthday to me!

    Not gonna lie, getting a little antsy waiting for news of Tim’s next gig, whatever it might be.

    1. I’m working with someone to try to get these episodes captured so that Ara can add them to TDK TV!

      My provider offers the Cooking Channel, but the DVR/cable box doesn’t support hooking up external devices (like my external DVR & DVD recorder), so I can’t pull it. I’m still recording both episodes just in case.

      1. Good news! I DO have Cooking Channel–I just wasn’t looking hard enough for it. Honestly, I didn’t even know there was a Cooking Channel until I started hearing about Tiffani’s show.

        Really looking forward to it!

  2. Aww..the video makes me smile. 🙂 Tiffani to Tim: “Hii.” Tim to Tiffani: (hug) “Hiiii.” So good to see them having a good time together. I’ve never seen Tim’s family, so that’s a neat addition, too…Daclaren~ I don’t exactly know what TDK TV is (ha), but if it means I get to watch the episodes (no cable here), I’d be grateful!…Thank you for the screencaps, too. Cool. 🙂 …On a side note, still haven’t seen the the last 3 eps of Season 6 yet. Patiently waiting for the DVD to arrive in stores…

  3. Josie, there are some gorgeous photos of Tim’s family on this site, in addition to a few links to videos of his talented kids, Jamis and Danna. (The first video I saw of Jamis singing blew me away, a little guy at the time, with a big voice and huge stage presence.) Tim and Elisa are a beautiful couple.

    Yeah, WC reunions already make me a little happy-weepy, and it’s only been a few months. I get the warm fuzzies when they tweet each other and support each other’s projects, like Tiffani’s and Marsha’s right now.

    Josie, I don’t know where you are but all episodes are now available on iTunes and Amazon Instant Video.

    1. Thanks, Jean. 🙂 I’ll have to visit TDK TV when I get some free time…I don’t make online purchases, but it’s good to know that the episodes are already on iTunes & Amazon IV. After all this time, I’m still not sure I want to watch them, though. I kind of like the idea of WC never having an ending…and I know the last episode will make me cry. lol.

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