The promo stills for White Collar 6×04, “All’s Fair,” have been added to the gallery. There aren’t quite as many this time, but any photos are appreciated! If we get larger versions of these photos, I’ll replace the ones in the gallery with the larger ones!
More importantly, Where is this tie???
I hope they burned it in some elaborate horrible tie cleansing ritual or wardrobe exorcism. I volunteered on Instagram to be the person who burns Peter’s gold/yellow ties if they haven’t already done so. (The “lucky” tie from S1 belongs on this list, too.) 😀
Thankfully, when Tim has gone to awards shows or other events (even years ago), I’ve never seen him wear a yellow or gold tie. Clearly, he has better taste than those who put together Peter’s wardrobe.
That’s the tie we met! 😉 Repeatedly even…