Hello TDK fans!

Welcome to Team DeKay, your new website dedicated to the awesome and adorable Tim DeKay.

We’ll do our best to gather everything in one place. You’ll find all the news, resources, pictures, and videos featuring our favorite actor.

If you have any remarks, questions, or material you’d like to share, don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope you’ll enjoy the site and we’re looking forward to hearing back from you!

Daclaren and Aragarna.

PS: Please note that the gallery is still a “work in progress”. We will keep you informed on all future updates.

Honoring James Rebhorn

After posting a tribute to James Rebhorn on the TeamDeKay Instagram page, I received a wonderful reply from Tim about what the cast and crew intends to do to honor the legendary actor who made such an impact as Reese Hughes on White Collar.

Well put and thank you. The cast and producers have given to The Actors Fund in Jim’s name. As I have said before, he was everything you thought he would be “in real life”. He was a kind, intelligent, warm and caring man who brought great dignity to all he touched. When we return, we will have a moment of silence on the set and, with hope, an episode dedicated to him (seen on ending credits).

– Tim DeKay (@tim_dekay), May 7, 2014

Click here for a screenshot of the tribute post, along with Tim’s reply.