Tim on Romy & Dan’s High School Reunion Podcast

Tim recently recorded an episode of Romy & Dan’s High School Reunion Podcast, where he talks with the hosts about everything from his theatre background to baseball to family to White Collar! Check it out:

This was definitely interesting, though it seemed like the hosts talked about themselves as much as interviewing Tim. This was my first time listening to a podcast, so I’m not sure if that’s the norm or not (or if maybe it’s the norm for this particular podcast), but I wanted to put it out there anyway in case you’re expecting more of a standard interview format.

Also, there’s just a bit of NSFW language, so wear headphones if listening at work or if you don’t want your kids to hear it! (I’m fluent in profanity, so it didn’t bother me, but I figured I’d warn for it anyway.)

Edited to add part two – check it out here:

4 Comments on “Tim on Romy & Dan’s High School Reunion Podcast”

  1. Oh happy days! I’ve been suffering Tim DeKay withdrawal. With Blood Money and now this podcast, I’m feeling much better! And…there’s going to be a Part 2! Happy, happy days!

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