Four Years and Counting

Happy 4th Anniversary Team DeKay

Four years ago today, Aragarna and I officially launched! At the time, there was no active fansite for Tim – the ones in existence were abandoned or hacked. We knew Tim deserved better, and we wanted to give his fans a place to find up-to-date information, media, etc.

Four years later, we’re still going strong, with a recently redesigned site and accounts across the major social media networks. And a big part of our success is all of you! Thanks so much to everyone who visits us here and on social media, comments/likes/shares/retweets, and supports us in other ways. You’re all awesome!

And a huge thanks, of course, to Tim and his amazing family for all of their support! They’ve been so wonderful to us, which makes this even more fun, and we’re proud to support them through this site.

3 Comments on “Four Years and Counting”

  1. Happy Anniversary and here’s to many more years! 🙂
    Many thanks to Tim and the whole DeKay family for their kindness with us. Thank you you to all the fans visiting us here or on social media. And last but not least, big kudos to Daclaren, thank you for all the good work you’re doing on this site. I couldn’t ask for a better partner. <3

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