Individual photos of Tim – 13 in all – from Michael Muller’s San Diego Comic Con 2010 photo shoot have been added to the gallery. We’ve all seen the photos of Tim with Matt from this shoot, and I’d seen individual photos of Matt. It was great to finally see some of Tim’s solo shots!

Great find! Thanks a lot 🙂
He looks great in that shirt!
Ah, gingham and tattersall. Le sigh
In these shoots Tim is…simply perfect!
I maintain it’s the best photo-shoot the group has ever had. Everyone just looks great and happy!
Yes! They were all super excited and took such delight in being together and in each other. It was infectious.
You were there?? Oh my gosh, that’s so cool! Great to hear that they were so excited…Knowing that, though, is bittersweet to me. I’m glad they had great times together, but I’m sad for them that it’s in the past. BTW, those pics of Tim really are nice.
May I just say YOWZA, he is so, soooo gorgeous ♥ Thank you, my TDK Jedi 😛
San Diego Comic Con is a very big deal, and I’m happy the cast was invited to attend in 2010–I wish they’d been invited more often. The clips on YouTube are fun to watch simply because they’re having so much fun. These photos are great too!
And, Josie, I have a feeling that those great times are not over, despite the show being over.