I’ve added the promo stills from White Collar 6×05, “Whack-a-Mole,” to our gallery! Right now, they’re the watermarked versions, but as always, I’ll replace them with the non-watermarked versions when they’re available. (Edit 11/26: Three of the photos have been replaced with non-watermarked versions.) Also, if anyone has access to HQ versions and wants to contribute them, please let us know!

Love that one! And also, I’m sure no one cares but I just love that Neal (or Mozzie) has now the same laptop as me. Ah! I knew it! Samsung is the future! 😉
Awww…I really like that pic, too! And do I spy a missing anklet in the 2nd pic? Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking, lol.
heee good catch! Though since the beginning of the season, Neal hasn’t been very faithful to his anklet…
🙂 ..True, lol.