Agents of SHIELD 2×08, the video!

The video of Tim’s appearance in episode 2×08 of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, The Things We Bury, has been added to TDK TV – section Series and Movies!

UPDATE: Due to reclamation from Disney about the Agents of SHIELD videos, my Vimeo account has been closed. Most videos from TDK TV are therefore unavailable for the moment. I’m working on putting it all back up as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

4 Comments on “Agents of SHIELD 2×08, the video!”

  1. Am I glad that I watched this just yesterday!

    I’m so sorry for you (and us fans). 🙁

    Seriously, I don’t understand the networks. The video was just over 6 minutes. A fan of the series wouldn’t use this to NOT subscribe to the channel. BUT, on the other hand, someone watching a part of a series (or movie) might become a fan and decide to subscribe to the channel (or buy the movie).
    (The same goes for those music companies that do not give the rights to publish a TV series because of a song. When I hear a song in a show and like it, I check out the artist and probably buy a CD. It’s like free advertisement. On the contrary, I will never ever buy anything from Tony Bennett because he (or his company) denies the use of his song in a Remington Steele episode. Negative PR!)

    1. Yeah I agree that sucks. But hmmm well, there’s also that… the law is the law, you know… It doesn’t matter that I meant right, this is still wrong…

      Not that I’ll admit doing anything wrong. Unless I can get a deal with Agent Burke… 😉

      But don’t worry, it’ll take some time, but everything should be back up. (except for the 2 AoS vids which seem to cause serious problems, so glad you got to see them in time!)

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