ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Hello, Team DeKay – you have ALL been challenged! 😀

Yesterday, Tim posted his ALS ice bucket challenge video on Instagram. And right around the same time, I was challenged by my stepson on Facebook!

Tim didn’t challenge anyone, but I am challenging my friend Pete Murnik, plus “White Collar” co-executive producer Jeff King, and I’m also issuing a blanket challenge to everyone from Team DeKay! So, if you’re reading this and you want to take the ALS ice bucket challenge, here’s how it works.

Technically, you’re supposed to either do the ice bucket part (dump a bucket of ice water over your head and donate $10) or donate $100 within 24 hours of being challenged, but I’m not a fan of such strict rules when it’s for such an important cause, so take all the time you need! Also, I’d encourage people to donate even if they decide to do the ice bucket part. If you do the challenge, please comment here or email us via the contact form to let us know!

To donate, or to find out more about ALS, please go to the ALS Association page. To see my video and Tim’s, click on “Continue reading” below. Thank you! <3

Tim’s ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video:

#ALSicebucketchallenge (s) accepted:) I will be donating! Thank you

A post shared by Tim DeKay (@tim_dekay) on

And my video:

Thanks for watching!

5 Comments on “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge”

  1. You guys are sooo crazy, but totally awesome.
    Damn you. But seriously, ice?! Couldn’t we do that with, I don’t know, chocolate?

  2. The two of you (and Tim) have inspired me. I didn’t dump a bucket of ice water on my head (too chicken), but I did donate to ALS.

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