Merry Christmas – here’s the Second Chance pilot!

Hope everyone who celebrates it is having a wonderful Christmas so far!

Fox has given us a great present this year – they’ve posted the pilot of Tim’s new show, Second Chance, in its entirety! Check it out on FOXNow.

You can also watch on FoxNow at this link: Second Chance pilot. And if you have access to Fox On Demand through your cable provider, it’s available there as well!

Enjoy! And thank you, Fox, for making this a very happy holiday for Team DeKay! 😀

Edited to add: For those outside the available viewing areas, try the following download links. These are NOT hosted by Team DeKay but have been tested and seem to work fine. (If any of them are down, please let us know so we can remove the link.) HD: 1fichier | HugeFiles. SD: 1fichier.

9 Comments on “Merry Christmas – here’s the Second Chance pilot!”

  1. Woo hoo! I actually found a little time today while everyone else in the house is napping (before the next round of visiting, eating, gift exchanging, and general craziness), and I really, really liked it! I’m not an expert on quality science fiction so it’s difficult for me to judge that aspect of the pilot, but I like the characters and the chemistry among the cast–I’m especially intrigued (and concerned) by how Otto, a man on the autism spectrum, will be perceived by characters not named Mary, and I hope those issues are explored as well as the morally and ethically ambiguous questions raised by the idea of bringing someone back to life without their knowledge or consent for what many would perceive as selfish reasons.

    As for Duval Pritchard, I love that, apparently, he is a great dad, obviously wanting to be the father Jimmy wasn’t. Duval carries more emotional baggage than Peter Burke did, the most obvious difference between the characters, in addition to the fact that Duval is a single father with a younger sister. Plus, he was betrayed by another man, his partner, he trusted and considered family. Added to the troubled history he shares with Jimmy, and the inherent hazards of working in law enforcement, how does Duval trust anyone.

    The relationship between Mary and Otto is complex, and very unnatural to anyone not in a relationship with someone who has special needs (and is a twin, no less). Throw in Mary’s cancer, and I’m a little concerned the writers are attempting to do too much.

    I admit to feeling a little apprehensive and anxious before watching the pilot, but that was partly due to my inability to let go of White Collar, which I never will. Impossible. But life is about moving forward, and I’m so very happy that Tim has this opportunity. It’s difficult and rare for any actor to lead two hit series back to back, but I think he’s got a real shot with Lookinglass.

  2. Finally some time to sit down and write my own reaction. I admit I watched it rather late at night…

    First, thank you so much Daclaren for finding it and posting about it! 😀

    Second, my first reaction was that it felt soooo good to see Tim again. I was smiling just seeing him in action again. And I love seeing him being different. Yes, he is FBI, wearing suits, yes he’s also quite a good guy. But his demeanor is different from what he’s done before. It’s not another Peter Burke.

    The trailers had given a rather honest idea of the Pilot, so there was no major suprise there, but it was definitely a decent Pilot, and if it lives up to its promises, it should be pleasant to watch. It’ll probably won’t be up there with White Collar, but it does have potential for very interesting character interactions. I’m really looking forward to the father/daughter/grandfather relationship. I really liked that at the beginning we saw Gracie and her grandfather, and generally that old Jimmy Pritchard, if disgraced and grumpy wasn’t portrayed as truly bad.

    I’m definitely looking forward to see what’s next. And what name will Jimmy come up with. 😉

  3. Ever since I moved I have been having a lot of trouble downloading anything so it was a great surprise that I was able to dl the pilot. Thanks for making it available. 🙂

    The show has gotten off to a great start. I really like the actor who plays Tim’s father. The Twins and all their tech is quite intriguing. Of course it is great to see Tim on TV again. I am looking forward to learning more about Duval as the show progresses.

    I just hope my download issues are resolved because so far it is not airing on the 2 Canadian channel that I get.

    1. I assume by “the actor who plays Tim’s father” you mean Phillip Baker Hall, as opposed to the younger version of his father, played by Rob Kazinsky. Hall might be best known for his role as Lt. Bookman the Library Cop on Seinfeld, but he’s a highly regarded character actor who’s appeared in many films and TV series over the past several decades. I hope Second Chance can find a way to use him beyond the pilot.

  4. I’m loving the family dynamic so far – querulous Grandpa’s loving relationship with Grace, Duval’s younger sister struggling with her demons, Otto’s frantic need to save his beloved Mary. And of course, Duval, confronted with the staggering reality that he indeed has another chance for a relationship with his father.

  5. Thanks for putting the links up!
    Considering that I’m not really into sci-fi, it was ok. Of course, I couldn’t help but to compare TDK’s character to Peter Burke and there were a few deja-vu moments. Like when he puts his hands in his hips. Or there was that sentences about He’s more a father to me than you ever were (summarizing) – only this time said by Tim.

    (There are plenty of differences, too, but I still can’t help but to find lots of comparisons to WC in about every movie or show I watch.)

    Happy New Year!

    1. I forced myself to not compare Duval Pritchard to Peter Burke as I watched Second Chance, but it’s near impossible not to see the similarities even as they also seem different in some ways. Both characters are played by Tim, after all.

      Duval’s confession that his partner was more family to him than his father had ever been certainly recalled Neal’s confession to James that Peter had been more of a father than he (James) had ever been to him, despite the context being completely different. (By the way, Duval’s partner is apparently more of a sociopath than Neal Caffrey ever was, because he seemed to regret absolutely nothing about perpetrating fraud then attempting to kill the partner who thought of him as family.)

      I see White Collar in almost everything else I watch too, which is ridiculous on an intellectual level but inevitable on an emotional level.

      1. LOL Well, be assured you’re not the only one seeing White Collar everywhere. (And when I don’t see WC, I can’t help but think “oh what if that happened in WC?”)

        Personally I don’t see that much Peter Burke. I mostly see Tim. For instance, I’ve noticed he puts his hands on his hips a lot, in different roles, so that’s not as much a Peter trait as a Tim trick.

        1. I wasn’t referring to mannerisms so much as personalities. Since we’ve only seen the pilot, we can only compare Duval to the Peter Burke we saw in the White Collar pilot. Peter evolved, and Duval will too, as the series progresses. Both are smart and highly skilled FBI agents who are forces for good, but beyond that Duval seems even more serious and more hardened by life. Peter had an idyllic marriage and a happy childhood. He was a workaholic for whom life was simple and straightforward, at least until Neal Caffrey entered his life (mostly for the better).

          . Duval, on the other hand, had a difficult childhood, is raising a daughter alone (where is Gracie’s mother?), was betrayed and almost killed by his partner, and is trying (maybe too hard?) to be the father Jimmy wasn’t. He has more emotional baggage than Peter, and it is that I can’t wait to see the writers and Tim explore.

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