Additional festival screenings for Best Man Wins

As Best Man Wins enters more festivals, here might be your chance to see it!

The film will be shown on June 17th 2015 at 4:30 pm at the Palm Springs Shortfest, as part of the Planes, Trains and Automobiles (and one Boat) program.

It will also play at the Hawaii International Short Films Festival, on June 18th 2015, at 7:45 pm.

Finally, the film will be shown at the Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival that runs from August 4th to August 9th. Screening shedule has not been released yet. Stay tuned!

Once again many thanks to Best Man Wins director, Stéphane Dumonceau, for the heads-up!

2 Comments on “Additional festival screenings for Best Man Wins”

  1. I am glad Tim’s film is getting more showings. I wonder if it will be showing at any Canadian Film Festivals. There is a big one where I live so it would be great if I could get to see it. 🙂

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