American Crime 3×07 Reaction Post

With the show starting to wrap up the various story lines in preparation for next week’s season finale, we only got to see one scene featuring Tim’s JD Hesby again this time. It was an interesting one, to say the least – I’ll stop there for those who haven’t yet seen the episode!

So what did you think about JD’s revelation? And do you think Laurie Ann had something to do with it, as Jeanette suspected? For those following the other story lines, what do you think about what happened this week?

Expect spoilers for the episode – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you should avoid reading the comments on this post until you’ve watched it.

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3 Comments on “American Crime 3×07 Reaction Post”

  1. Sorry for being a little absent, I’ve been rather busy in the past couple weeks (luckily it was when Tim wasn’t on the show).

    I have to admit I’m getting a little frustrated with the show. Too many characters, too many story lines, which all would deserved their own story. I also feel the one with the nanny from Haiti isn’t the most subtily written story. I have a hard time believing any of the 3 characters in that story.

    The scene between Tim and Felicity was, once again, terrific, but I really wish we had more of JD. He took responsibility for the fire. Why? How? On his own? I feel like there was a lot that could have been told here. Though at least he looked a little better than last time.

    I can’t believe next week is the finale episode already…

    1. I can’t help but wonder if leaving the audience feeling a level of frustration is intentional, meant for the audience to connect with the characters’ frustrations with their lives. Do we know if Tim appears in the last episode? Jeannette sure didn’t seem very concerned about JD’s fate or that of the workers now that she’s facing issues of her own. That may change in the finale. Great show, amazing actors! Just wish there were fewer storylines or a few more episodes, allowing to give each its due.

      1. Tim was set to appear in 6 episodes out of 8 and we’ve already had the 2 episodes without him, so he should be there in tonight’s episode.

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