High quality stills from Tim’s appearances on Revenge and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been added to the gallery! The Revenge stills, and the ones from the first episode of AoS are the same ones we had before, just larger!
The gallery from Tim’s second episode of AoS, “The Things We Bury,” includes a HQ version of the one still we had before, as well as ten new HQ stills! Click on the photos below to be taken to each updated gallery. (Thanks to Far, Far Away for all of these!)
(I’ve also found some high and medium quality stills from Carnivale and will be adding them to the gallery soon. 🙂 )

wow nice!
Especially the Revenge ones! ♥
Thanks a lot for this great find. 🙂
He’s hot.
Do you have any details about his new Hot In Cleveland appearance? Seems to be just one episode
No, haven’t heard anything yet. It’s the series finale episode, so it’s possible that it’ll just be flashbacks to earlier episodes. Hoping he’s back for some new stuff, though!