Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2×06 Reaction Post

So, for those who got to see Tim as Senator Christian Ward in episode 2×06 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., what did you think?

This is the place to post your reactions, speculations, etc. Obviously, there will be spoilers – so if you haven’t seen the episode yet, you may want to avoid the comments on this post until you do! 🙂

(As always, you don’t need to register for an account to leave a comment, and your email address is for comment approval/anti-spam purposes only – it won’t be published or shared!)

Tim as Senator Christian Ward on

Tim as Senator Christian Ward on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Photo by Adam Rose, courtesy of ABC and Marvel.)

6 Comments on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2×06 Reaction Post”

  1. AoS isn’t the kind of show I really like, and from the press release, I was prepared to see Tim being a mean mean guy. So, wow what a pleasant surprise! Of course he wasn’t a bad guy!

    Can’t say I really followed anything else but that was a nice performance from Tim. One that reminded me why I love him so much. Give him any show, he’ll just shine and raise the bar higher.

    He got me at “do you have a brother?”. Then all I wanted was to give him a big hug.
    I’ll vote DeKay anytime. 😉

  2. I really enjoyed Tim’s scenes – couldn’t follow much of it in general, as I don’t watch the show. (Hubby does, so I asked him questions as needed.)

    This is an intriguing role, and I don’t entirely believe that he’s the “good guy” in all of this. The senator, while able to tug at the heartstrings with his stories about his brothers, also comes across as a master manipulator. It’s subtle, but it’s there, and I’m not convinced he’s telling the whole truth. Then again, he’s a politician – and a Republican at that! It should be expected that he’ll make a Gordian knot out of the truth.

    I’m looking forward to seeing if he’ll return for more. In any case, what a great guest appearance! We all know, of course, how talented Tim is, and I thought this was a nice example of that. Lots of complex emotions lurking just beneath the surface of the senator’s refined demeanor, and he definitely “sold” it, especially the childhood story and the way he carried himself in general.

    I’m really hoping to see more of Christian Ward in the future!

  3. I usually watch AoS so it wasn’t so difficult for me to understand what was happening. I love as he can switch from bud guy to good one even if didn’t I believe he is good at 100%. His gaze in the first scene was priceless!
    It should be fantastic if he will come back for more episodes

  4. I finally saw the ep Tim was great as usual !
    And both the brothers are really untruthful …who is lying?
    Senator Ward is an intriguing character and Tim is portraiting him so well .
    I read that Tim will back in ep 8 ..that’s good really good !!

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